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After the warm and soothing bath. I got out and made my way back to my bed. Still struggling. I went to the closet and picked out an outfit. Which happened to be Black jeans that clenched my legs. They had ripped holes from the thighs down. I then wore a black crop top that was long sleeved and v-necked. 

I left my hair down to air dry into its natural curls. I didn't bother with make up because I was already to tired from putting on clothes. I grabbed my phone from the charger and made my way down to the kitchen to eat. Panting and breathing as I made my way down the stairs. They weren't my friend at the moment. The doctor had told me to use it, but try not to put all my pressure on it. 

I had finally made it down the stars

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I had finally made it down the stars. It was like the hardest thing in the world to accomplish. I walked into the kitchen and saw 4 boxes of pizza on the counter. I pulled out the sausage and pepperoni box. I took it to the living room and sat down. I turned the t.v on to nothing in particular, I think it was iZombie. Pulling another piece out of the box. Call me fat, but honestly you'll love it when you are able to have a whole box of pizza to yourself. 

I devoured my first two pieces. Something from the corner caught my eye. Jordon strode across the living room sitting down next to me. I ignored him and continued to eat my pizza. I stared at the screen of the t.v. still ignoring his presence. He started to twiddle with his fingers. That's where I knew something was wrong with him. 

I rolled my eyes. He isn't going to go away if I don't ask him whats wrong. "Jordon-" I paused and look over at him. He look really sad. I set my pizza down and slowly trying not to hurt myself, shifted on the couch so that I was face to face with him. "What's wrong?"

"I-I'm sorry." He said quietly, almost so quiet that I couldn't hear. I was confused. 

"For what?" I asked him, not sounding worried. 

"I wish I had apologized for my attitude before you left, I should have hugged you when the guys did." Tears brimmed his eyes. I rose an eyebrow. 

"Why are you so sad over an apology." I continued looking at him. Don't cry. Don't cry. Its not worth it. Don't cry. I chanted to myself. I couldn't handle people crying around me. It brought back to many memories. 

"Because, you could have died during your mission. I would have never forgiven myself-" He started to go into detail on why he was sorry. 

I stopped him mid-sentence. I bursted out laughing. Confusion stroke his face. "Do you really think that I would die so soon? I mean come on. I'm amazing. It's pretty hard to kill someone as talented as me. Trust me, many have tried. But I'm still here." I contained my laugh a little. "Don't worry about it, dude. I had already forgiven you. But I have to admit. It's sad that you think so lowly of me. To die on a small mission like that."

"Small mission!" He asked kind of shouting. "That was not a small mission. That mission was a class A. That mission should have taken at least a week. When they said your mission had ended, I thought you died." He words ended softly. 

"Like I said, I don't die easily. So stop with the depressing moods. I just ended with a shot leg. Other than that, I'm perfect fine." I smiled at him. 

He gave me a long hug. Holding onto me as if I was going to fade away any second. Which was weird because the only person that had ever gotten so close to me, was Ryan. I patted his back, reassuring him that I'm still here. 

"I'm glad you're here." He whisper. I only heard faint words, but a few seconds after I figured out what he said. Before I could look at him and say something, he was gone. 

It was weird to experience someone to care for me. I went back to watching my tv. Stuffing yet another slice of pizza into my mouth. I was soon joined by Ryan. He grabbed the remote from me and changed it. I paused and swallowed my food. "Excuse me." He sat chuckling. He was sitting very distant from me. Smart guy. 

I huffed out. Death glaring the poor man who was about to meet his death bed. I bit my lip. "3.." I started counting down. Ryan looked over at me with a confused face. "2.." I was getting ready to charge at him. "1.." By then he realized what I was doing. I ran and tackled, completely forgetting about my injured leg. 

He was now on the floor. I was straddling his waist. We fought for the remote for a good ten minutes. He ended up with a lot more bruises and open wounds than I did. The open wounds were because of the sharp objects that were placed around my house for safe beings. Which is ironic because I literally hurt the person who decided to place these objects. 

By the end of our 'fight' I was pinned, face-to-face with Ryan. I stared deadly into his breath taking eyes. "Give me the remote." I spoke with dominance, even tho I knew he wasn't about to give it up that easily. 

"Or what?" A smirk brushed across his face. "You are the one that is pinned, which is a first may I add." 

"I'm only pinned because of my disadvantage." An idea popped into my head. I started to cry and groan. "My leg." I started acting as if he had hurt it. During the fight he made sure not to even slightly bump it. I wailed louder making it sound more serious. Jordon and Allen ran into the living room. With shocked expressions may I add. 

Ryan started to freak out. "Shit, I forgot, I'm sorry!" He started to repeat. He quickly got off me, forgetting the remote. "Elizabeth, I'm sorry!" He said again still freaking out. They were all distracted by the sudden event. 

That gave me a chance to take the remote from the ground and stand up. I plopped myself back onto the couch. Taking another piece of pizza and eating it. I turned it back to my show. The guys were still freaking out in the kitchen looking for things they needed to help me. "Ouch is hurts so bad." I said mono toned. 

They came rushing out of the kitchen. Their mouths dropped to the floor. Not really, but if it could happen it would. I took another bite of my pizza. An angry gruff came from all three of them.

"So you aren't hurt?" They all three stared at me dumb founded.

"Oh no, I'm in a lot of pain. Nothing I can't handle." I laughed, taking yet another bite of my pizza. Note the sarcasm.

"Why do you play with our emotions like this Beth." Allen said and soon was followed by a loud huff

"Your reactions are priceless." I told them being completely honest.

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