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An hour passed by as I watch all of the people, including Ryan struggle to get the cuffs off. I raised my eye brows. Not one person still managed to get them off in ten seconds. The time for training was about to be over. I was disappointed, My first day of Junior training, I got the cuffs off at the second try. 

I continued walking around. The boy I had pinned earlier was still in the corner holding his wrist. I walked passed him smiling. His eyes were cold, probably imagining daggers going through my skull. I walked over to the pair of girls, struggling to get the cuffs off. "You are too tense, take a breathe and try again." I started to walk around the room once again.

I heard a loud grunt. Come from behind me, Ryan had broken the cuffs, "Well done, But your enemy would have heard you break the cuffs, and you would be back at the start." I smiled patting his back. "But I never said how to take them off. So Congrats. You can take a break." I walked over to two boys who almost got the cuffs off. 

"Close, Try again." I stopped and watched them, they seemed nervous from me watching them. "Pause. Everyone stop and focus on these two gentlemen." I pointed at the two Boys I was watching. "Names?"

"Shawn, I'm Shawn Ander." The boy who was smaller out of the two said. 

"Morgon." The built one said. 

"Okay Shawn, Stand back please." I took Shawn's place and stared into very dark brown eyes. "Morgon was it? Straighten your back, and move your right leg back like a centimeter. " He did so. "Now try again. This time don't pull on the cuffs, hold your right hand as if it were about to break and pull down on the cuffs." Morgon did so, and his right hand had become free. "Its painful, but its less painful to escape then to be stuck tortured. Now you all try."

Morgon was fascinated in how the hand cuffs had fallen off of his wrists. "That's what I'm talking about" He pumped his fists. I smiled and walked around as everyone else started to do so, some still struggling. 

*30 Minutes later* 

"We are going to the track, lets move." I yell at the sweaty bodies. "Morgon and Shawn, You can sit out, Congrats, Ryan you too. Allen, Jordon, No slacking." I winked at the two mad boys who had to run. "10 laps, You have 15 minutes, Don't let me down people." I blew the whistle and they all started to run. I sat on the bench next to Ryan. 

"What's for dinner??" Ryan said patting his stomach and looking at me.

 "I don't know, Jordon is probably going to buy, because I gave him a ride and he woke me up this morning. By the way, you guys are animals for talking him into it." I started laughing, remembering Jordon's body on the floor groaning in pain.

"I know, but he has to learn sometime, you don't mess with number-" Ryan was cut off by Morgon. 

"Wait, so you guys live together with a girl?" Morgon asked sounds super confused.

"Yes, Why do you ask?" I look over at Morgon.

"Will I get to live with a girl?" He asked blushing lightly.

"Once you hit Rank 5 you get a team, and trust me, its not as cool as it sounds." Ryan said nudging me in my arm. 

"Yeah, the only fun part is getting to beat up boys when they are being stupid." I laughed a bit more. 

I notice that the boy I had pinned was sitting on a bench about ten feet away from us. I got up walking over to him, "Can you tell me why you aren't running?" I asked A bit of anger ran through my voice.

"Uhm, Maybe because my training teacher broke my wrist." He didn't look at me once. 

Yup this kid was just stupid. I said to myself, "You think that gives you a reason to not run? Do you want to know what happens if you don't listen to orders?" I threatened the defiant boy. 

"Why don't you try me?" He said with a taunting tone. 

I smiled, and moved to sit on his lap, Sitting face forward on his lap. An Idea popped into my head.  "You see, I don't do well with people that don't listen." I have a gift, That gift is noticing someones weakness by just looking. I ran a hand down the side of his face, my stomach brushed against his chest. His face started to tint into a pinkish color. 

 I slowly started wrapping my hands around his neck, I started to squeeze around his neck, making his airway close. Everyone soon stopped running while staring at the choking kid that was sitting on the bench. It takes about 45 seconds to knock someone out by closing their air way and a whole 2 minutes to kill them. 

I was pulled off by Jordon and Ryan in a split second. I easily knocked out Jordon, Twisting Ryans arm. They let go from the pain. I went back towards the kid. He tried moving away, I swung at him with force. His lip had a gash in it, and bruises from the grip I had around his throat. 

"I don't know what your problem is, but I'm sure you'll fix it soon, or I'll fix it for you." I punched him once more, only to turn and see the crowed standing behind me. "Get back to running, another 5 laps." I looked back at the kid, Ryan and Jordon were making sure he was okay. I went back to the bench I was sitting at. Morgon had just been sitting there shocked. I smiled at him. 

"Damn, I wish I was as good as you." Morgon's face lit up after he said it. 

"You don't, I'm a heartless killer. I hope you never end up like me." I said as my smile slowly faded. "Okay, Pack up, we are done, Go home." I stood up walking off back to the building. I grabbed my stuff as the room filled up with people. 

"Hey, Can I get a ride home?" Jordon stopped me from leaving. 

"I need to go talk to the organization, so unless you want to tag along, ride with Ryan or Allen." I said with a mono tone. Jordon shrugged and went to go ask Ryan for a ride. 

I walked out of the room, and out of the building. Only to see the same kid leaning up against my car. I walked to the trunk, opening it. I put my stuff into my trunk and looked up at the boy. "Move, You are going to smudge my baby." I didn't want to do anything I wouldn't regret later.

"Listen, I just want to talk. I'm Joey." He said after he got off the car, He held out his good hand waiting for me to shake it. 

"I frankly don't care. Nice bruises by the way." I opened the drivers door, and got in starting up the car. The passenger door opened and surprise, the kid was sitting in my car. "Can I help you?" Wanted to just end his life right then and there, but I didn't want to get blood on my darling car. 

"I call a truce." He held out his hand again. I ignored it again. 

"What are you five?" I stared at his hand. I wanted to go to the organization collect my mission and leave. But this kid was keeping me from my work. "Get out of the car, before I paralyze you, put you in the road, and run you over." 

He flinched at my words, Knowing that I would do exactly what I said, He started getting out. "See you around, Princess" He winked at me and closed the door gently. 

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