Hard Times

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I didn't want to move, or breathe, or live any longer. The rain poured down as if it knew it was a sorrowful day. We stood around looking down at the soon to be filled hole in the ground. The umbrellas covering the tops of our heads. Black clothes stuck to our bodies. 

'Here lies John Dowe. A father and friend. He will be missed.' I read those words over and over again. Each word being scorned into my mind like a bullet. All I could do was stare and read them over again. 

I raised my head, looking at all the bodies that have showed up. Tears brimming or pouring out of their eyes. All except for me. I had done my share of tears. None of these people deserve to be standing over this grave. 

The only reason they are here is to act as if they cared for him. All they've wanted since he became head of the organization was for him to die. Their wishes came true. The people who found him say he died from lack of oxygen. 

Of course I don't believe that. After this petty staring, I'm going to find out who took all that I had left. People came up to me every now and then leaving their condolences. 

The boys have stopped talking to me. I don't blame them. I almost killed each of them. That's not my problem though. Its their choice, and theirs to keep. I don't regret what I did. They should. They haven't realized it yet, but I'm not me anymore. 

I'm back to my original self. You know, the one who kills for no reason. My sanity was ripped from me. I broke after the hour of crying. So now I stare, emotionless, at his grave. The funeral wasn't over with. I was done with it. 

I turned around and walked away. I could feel the judgmental eyes burning into my head. That just made my need for bloodshed stronger. I made it to my car. I sat there for a second thinking. I then put my car in drive and drove off at a faster than I needed speed. 

I made it back home. I walked into silence. I wasn't surprised. Jordon stayed at his buddies house, while Allen and Ryan stayed at the other empty house on the other side of the organization. Don't feel bad for me. I did this, and I'm not sorry for it. 

While I was walking around drinking, having the time of my life, my step father laid dead. The more I think about it, it eats me more and more on the inside. It hurts that I can't do anything about it. I called training back. I needed something to get my mind off things. 

That's where I'm headed in a few minutes. I took a deep breath taking in my surroundings. I walked back out of the front door and back into my car. I then drove off to the training building. 

*30 Minutes later* 

I walked into the building. Chattering could be heard from outside the door. I took another deep breath and walked in. They all stared at me, their eyes full of pity. I cleared my throat and set down my bag. I spotted Allen, Ryan, and Jordon. Their eyes drenched in pity. I shrugged it off and continued walking towards the front of the room.

"Today we are going to work on punching and blocking. Pair up and grab mats." I sat down on the desk watching over the class slowly make way around each other. Usually Ryan would be my partner. But obviously that wouldn't be best right now. 

The class was an odd number because Joey hardly showed up. That left Ryan standing in the middle of the room alone. "Make a group of three." I stated. "You may began." 

I sat there. Staring at the Sweaty teenagers throw punches and block each other. I called in a substitute trainer and told him what to do with them. I picked up my bag. Everyone stopped and watched me walk out of the room. I put my bag in the trunk and went to the track. 

I pulled my headphones out and plugged them into my Ipod. The rain hadn't stopped yet, It just got lighter. I put my hair up into a pony tail. I then started jogging on the track. Each time I past the line on the track I would quicken my pace. 

I loved the feeling of my muscles burning. It distracting me from imagining all of their deaths. I ran faster and faster until I reached my pace. I stopped for a minute taking a breath. I wasn't done tho. After I caught my breath I started back running. 

 I noticed that people were watching me. I ignored them and continued to run. I didn't need to be distracted. Every time I look into their pitiful eyes, it made me vision a knife slitting their throats. The more and more I saw it, the harder it is to control my blood lust. 

I decided I was finished with running. I started walking towards my car, but in order for me to get there I had to walk past the group of people. I noticed the Allen, Ryan, and Jordon were in the crowd. I ignored them like usual and continued walking. I was soon stopped by a firm hand gripping my shoulder. 

Ryan was staring into my eyes. I looked away quickly. "Leave me alone, If I were you I would keep my distance." I pushed his hand off of me and walked away. I got into my car and drove off. 

I made my way to the organization. I walked in and of course everyone's eyes followed my every move. New recruits stood in the hall way.

"Isn't that Elizabeth Dowe?"

"Yeah, I thought she was depressed or something, Didn't she just lose her dad?"

"Serves her right, have you not heard of all the innocent lives that shes taken.?"

I stopped in my footsteps after hearing the last person talk. I walked over to the girl. I pulled out a blade and put it up to her neck. She was a little bit shorter than me. "What do you know about me?" I asked with a menacing smile plastered on my face. 

"I know that you kill for sport." She said quietly. 

"Do I? So then you know I have no problem with ripping you apart right here right now, don't you?" I said pressing the blade harder into her neck. 

"Come on, Man, She didn't mean it." The boy standing next to her said. 

"Then would you rather it be you?" I looked over at him. He quickly shut up, I look back at the girl, I pulled the blade across her neck. Letting her blood spill out onto my hand. 

I wiped my blade and hand off onto her shirt. Screams were heard from around me. I stood up. "That felt great." A smile still on my face. Everyone stayed frozen, they knew better than to challenge me. "Who's next?" I walked over to the boy who had opened his mouth. 

"When you came here, Did you think that you would last long, or die within the first week?" I asked him. He didn't answer me. "A day it is." I snapped his neck. Ryan walked into the organization just as the dead body of the boy fell to the floor.   

"Eli, This isn't you! This is the Reaper, Don't let that side of you become who you are!" He shouted at me. As if it were going to change anything. 

"No, This is me. Through all the hard times, pain, and suffering. This is the real me and I'm tired of hiding who I truly am." I licked my lips and tucked away my blade. 

Heyo Peeps, Omg, this book is getting intense. I'm almost at 100 reads. I'm so happy for everyone of you. Pls comment and let me know what you think. And don't forgetti to vote. <33 

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