Chapter 4

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I head into the music room and stop when I see Mr. Blackbourne sitting on the piano bench playing a piece I haven't heard before. The way he moves with the music is breath taking. I stare from the doorway mesmerized but the sound of the bell brakes my trance.

"Good day Mr. Sorenson. It's nice to see you again I hope your morning has treated you well." His piercing gray eyes bore into me as he talks. I will need you to acquire a violin by the end of the week. We will begin our lessons once you have obtained one. For the lessons today I will give you the time you need to obtain your student id, and books you need for your classes and any final registration that would normally be done during study hall. If you have any problems please come to me or Dr. Green. We understand it can be hard adjusting to a new school and environment. We would be happy to lend a ear." He walks toward me examining me closely while he continues. "Do you have any questions or concerns about the school that you would like to ask now?"

I ponder on what to ask Mr. Blackbourne about this new school. Should I ask about he boys and the uniforms. Duh! Alright keep your panties on. "Sir, I did notice in a couple of my classes there were some guys dressed in similar outfits. They almost looked like uniforms. Are they in a special program or something?"

He eyes me with that stony expression of his. He is extremely disarming and I feel as if my every move and thought is somehow transferred to him. "Mr.Sorenson those boys you are talking about come from a different school. They are on loan this year from the academy. They are here to show what next year will look like for this school. I don't know what you have seen so far from this institution but there are too many students for this school to handle. The school board will consider making another high school if administration can prove its effectiveness. Grades need to increase, detentions need to decrease. Those boys will be setting the standard by being the example students need to follow. The boys were brought in to help the students at this school so the board will take the action needed to help the bright students who want to learn. Do you have any other questions Mr. Sorenson?"

What. The boys are setting a example. Why would teachers ask this of students? The school is definitely over crowded why don't they just make a new one for the sake of space? Why can't the city pay for a new school? Isn't that what tax dollars are for. Great I now have more questions than before but I don't want to voice them just yet. Looking at Mr. Blackbourne I just shake my head. He stares for a minute before nodding at me. "If that is all Mr. Sorenson then you should head to the office to sort your id and then the library for your books. Please stop here and check in before heading to lunch." With his dismissal he turns and walks back towards the piano and starts playing again.

I head to the office and think to myself. How in the heck am I ever going to convince my parents to get me a violin. I'll ask but what would be my punishment for asking.... I shudder at the thought of what she will come up with. I am so distracted by my thoughts that I run right into someone. I look up and see a group of guys around my age. The leader is a slimy boy whose a little taller than I am. Just looking at him makes my skin crawl. His teeth are yellowed his dark hair is greasy and he is dressed like Eminem the rapper. Why do some guys think underwear showing is attractive? I try to by pass him and his friends when he grabs my arm.

"Hey man," his nasally voice grates on my ears. "You are new here right. My names Greg and these are my boys. If you want to survive in this school you need to listen to what I say and do what I tell you." He smirks over his shoulders to his friends and tightens his grip on my arm. It's painful and I just know I will have a new bruise by the end of the day, suck it up Sam. I try to nod but it comes out as a shrug.

"You need to watch where you are going for starters. Next stay away from the blue nerds. If you don't want to get your ass beaten daily, you will stay away from them. You have been warned." He drops my arm and slams into my shoulder as he passes by. The other five guys with him all shove my same shoulder. I bite back the whine I want to release. Being a guy blows! I don't want to seem weak to anyone. What was he talking about. I can't hang out with any of the guys I have met today? But they were all so nice to me and I was hoping to maybe have school friends so this won't be so lonely. I was hoping I could discretely learn from them how to behave like a normal teenage boy. Well Sam let's act like a Sam, so I lift my body and head up high and finish the trek to the office. This being a guy is going to suck.

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