Chapter 16

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Entering Mr. Blackbourne's office I see Sean slouching in his seat, he has bags under his eyes and is nodding off. As quietly as I can I close the door and tiptoe to his desk, Mr. Blackbourne looks up and watches me with what looks like amusement. I grab a blanket that's sitting behind his chair and drape it over him, tiptoeing back to Mr. Blackbourne I pull out my phone.

Sam: He looks exhausted, did he have a shift at the hospital last night? (7:45)

Mr. Blackbourne: Yes he worked at the hospital, we can talk it won't disturb him. (7:46)

Sam: Can we leave him a note and go to the music room and talk there? Or in one of those practice rooms? (7:48)

Mr. Blackbourne: Yes Mr. Sorenson, I'll leave a note and will meet you at the music room. (7:49)

Smiling I grab my stuff and tiptoe out of the office, heading towards the music room I rub my throat. I'm still sore from the lemon juice, eating consistently has been great but I've never eaten this much after the vinegar and lemon juice. Distracted by my thoughts I bump right into trouble because of course this is my life. Greg and his friends are standing in front of me and I bumped into one of them who was lurking in the corner.

"Sorry excuse me," I say as I try to pass by them.

"Oh looky looky what the cat dragged to us," Greg sneers at me. Good god he smells awful like bo and smoke, don't breathe in through your nose just don't do it.

He steps into my space and gets right in front of me, "Now where do you think your heading off to? I warned you what would happen if you hung out with those freaks and you didn't listen to me. Then you got involved in the roughing up that my boys had planned for the faggot. They said they messed up your pretty boy face but it doesn't look messed up to me. I think you need a reminder of who is in charge and how things work."

He steps closer to me and I take a step back, his group starts to crowd around us and I can't escape. Two hands grab my arms and hold them behind my back, I groan inwardly from the bruises and bumps I already have.

Greg cracks his neck back and forth then grins maliciously at me, "Your lucky today's Thursday and not Friday."

His friends start to snicker and start egging him on. He circles me and stops in front of me, he balls up his fist and throws a punch. Smack at least his aim is awful, pain shots through my cheek, he pulls his fist back and smack the next punch hits my chin. He pulls back and smack blow to my lip, I feel blood trickle down my lip and he starts to laugh.

"Greg there's a teacher coming."

I am released immediately and they all start to scatter, "You got lucky this time pretty boy next time we'll be somewhere more private." He walks off, I race to the bathroom and try to clean up before any of the guys see. I look into the mirror and grimace, my cheek and jaw are red and starting to turn darker. Great they are both going to bruise, my lip is split on the side and is already swelling. I pull out the cover up from my bag thank you meanie and quickly cover my cheek and chin. My lip is gonna be harder. I put a paper towel under the cold water and hold it to my lip, hopefully it'll help with the swelling and I can say I tripped and bit my lip.

Yea right like you would really lie to the boys when they corner you.

My phone starts to buzz in my pocket, sighing internally I know it's probably Mr. Blackbourne and I don't want him to be anymore worried than he is. I grab all my stuff and head to the music room, I make it with out anymore obstacles.

Walking into the music room I don't meet Mr. Blackbourne's eyes and I hide the side of my mouth that's been injured. "Sorry sir I had to use the restroom," I feel two fingers lift my face up and over. I jump and move back, I didn't even hear him approach me is he a secret ninja too.

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