Chapter 5

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Japanese, the class is surprisingly full. I walk to the seat in front of Victor that looks like it's open. His head snaps up when I set my stuff down. He smiles up at me, I notice his fingers are tapping away on his desk like he's playing some kind of instrument. I sit down and look up into Dr. Green's green eyes. Haha Dr. Green, green eyes. Wow yes you are the funniest person you know. Nopppppe that would be the energizer bunny. Why, what did I do to deserve the sass. As I fight with my snarky subconscious I feel a tap to my shoulder. I look up and back to see the whole room is staring at me. My face flames as I look at Dr. Green whose wearing a smirk.

"Sorry sir what was that," I ask quietly. "I was saying to stand up and introduce yourself to the class Sam but we all know who you are now so let's get started." He chuckled as he starts directing the class. Ground please swallow me whole. That's what you get for questioning my awesomeness. Ugh why!!!

We get paired up in groups of two to start a paper on Japan. I turn to face a smirking Victor.  "Yea I know laugh it up dude" I growl at him.

"Sorry man but it was too funny he was talking to you for like a minute. You had this cute crease on your forehead like you couldn't process what he was saying," he breathes out in a rush. Cute!! Squeak he said he were cute. Really that's what we are focusing on. Why though would he think I am cute. I glare while blushing furiously.

"Whatever man let's just get this done." We work on the paper the rest of class. I am loading up my bag before the bell rings when Victor grabs my wrist.

"Hey wanna get together after school to finish this up" he asks me with out making eye contact. What's that about.

"Ummmm... I don't know I am suppose to take the bus home. If I'm not home by 5 I'll be in trouble." I bite my lip when I respond. He smiles up at me.

"If I can take you home by 430 can you stay and work on it. We can meet in Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green's office. Please Sam I was hoping we could get this done today so we could hang out this weekend at Nathan's." He looks so hopeful and excited I don't want to say no. Ugh. I'll just deal with my mother when I get home. Maybe if I tell her the truth about it being school related and if I have him drop me off down the street and I walk home... yeah I can make this work.

"Alright man I'll meet you at their office after gym." He fist bumps the air. "Sweet dude I'll see you then." The bell rings, thankfully. I get up and head out the door. I nod to the smiling Dr. Green. Does that man take anything seriously I wonder.

I rush down the stairs in hope to make it to gym a little bit early. I get to the gym and spot the teacher for class. "Hi sir I am Sam Sorenson. I didn't know if we had a uniform or specific clothes to wear for class today." I brush a strand of hair out of my eyes and look up at the huge man. He eyes me suspiciously when he states, "Yea uniforms are at the front office. Go there give them your size and come back. You won't dress out today since you have to get a uniform. Now get on with it." I turn and head to the office. As I walk out I spot Gabriel and Nathan leaving the locker room. Both raise a questioning eyebrows my way. I shrug and head out the doors. Why didn't the lady give me my uniform or tell me about that when I was here getting my stuff earlier. Ugh, rolling my eyes as I head in the office, I spot the poorly dressed man from earlier. What was his name....... oh yea Mr. Hendricks. Why is he in the office. I look at the secretary and tell her about my uniform, I need smalls or extra smalls for all my uniforms. She eyes me up and down and walks back to a closet to grab the clothes I am guessing. As I'm waiting I can't help but feel like someone is watching me. Keep it together Sang don't be paranoid no one would want to watch a nobody like you. Sam. Ugh right why can't I call myself Sang in my head huh. Cuz you'll slip up. Whatever. The secretary comes back and practically throws the clothes at me. Geez it's not my fault you didn't do it earlier. I give her a small smile and head out the door to gym. I almost run into a man. He makes my skin crawl. He's a bigger man with spotty hair and a gross looking graying mustache. His outfit is a ugly suit like Mr. Hendricks. His watery colorless eyes stare down at me. "Name boy," he spits out at me. "Umm.." I start stuttering, "" He looks at me triumphantly, "Watch where you are going boy, hurry up and get back to class before I give you a detention." I scoot around him and head back to gym.

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