A report

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Mr. Blackbourne rubs his brows as he watches the young, "boy" walk back to the living room. How anyone could treat a child the way Sam was treated let alone a girl baffled him. He was sure some of the others were picking up on the fact Sam wasn't a he but a she, what to do about it he couldn't say. She thought she hid behind those baggy clothes but he could see the beauty beneath the façade. He watched how she interacted with all his brothers and knew she was the piece that could break them. He felt the weight of his family resting heavily on his shoulders.

This mission at Ashley Waters was the worst one they have encountered yet, and he knew if they completed this mission they would be he youngest team to graduate with a positive in the favor account. Sean and him were the youngest graduates in the academy. They hand picked these boys that have become a family. He sighed deeply, all it would take is a pair of pretty green eyes and past like the rest of their teams to tear them apart. Who was he kidding he knew he was already falling for her, and judging the way some of his brothers reacted to her they were not far behind. He knew this would be confusing for some of the members who haven't realized she is a she. The others who were more comfortable in their sexuality like Silas wouldn't care either way, the romantic.

He debated on whether or not he should inform the others of her situation, but after the conversation they just had he knew she needed to be the one to reveal her secret. He growled as he remembered her father, her wanted to deck the man. He was the key that confirmed she was a girl to him. The flinch at her boy name, the way he wouldn't sexualize her in any words. Was he the one inflicting the marks on her porcelain skin. Was he a man like his father, a worthless worm who beat the weak to make himself feel stronger. Why though, why have her act like a man when Marie was able to be a woman? It didn't make any sense to him, why was one daughter allowed to be them self and the other had to hide under a male persona.

He shook off the thoughts and picked up his phone he sent a message to Corey on the Toma team, for now until Sam was ready he would have a team who didn't know her look into her. Once he sent all the information he had to Corey he looked over the problem at hand, Theo. Where are you, what are you up to he mused as he watched the recording of Theo leaving the building. All he had was a small duffel bag, he look hurried and exhausted. Frowning he sent a text to Silas to join him in the kitchen.

When Silas entered Mr. Blackbourne saw the strain on his face, the tense of his shoulders as he approached. Mr. Blackbourne gave his millimeter smile to try to assure Silas they would find Theo. It didn't seem to matter though Silas was too caught up in his own thoughts and worries to notice.

"Mr. Korba the last time we spoke I thought Theo was getting better can you shed any light as to where he might be heading or what could of triggered him?"

Loud foot steps drew their attention to the door way where North leaned on the entryway. He scowled as he looked over the two of them.

"Shouldn't we all be present for this?"

His gruff voice was harsh and Mr. Blackbourne understood his loyalty to his best friend. He smirked to himself thinking of how Sean was with him.

"Mr. Taylor I was planning on a family meeting tomorrow morning seeing as how this family has had a very exciting day and week. I wanted to talk with Mr. Korba because like me I knew he wouldn't be sleeping yet."

North scowled and looked at the clock in the kitchen. His shoulders dropped as he realized the time, he nodded and went back to watching his best friend.

Silas sighed and looked over, "No sir, I thought he was better. My dad has quit smoking and there are no lighters or matches in the house. We have been taking him to a counselor and a group that they recommended. He seemed happier lately less stressed."

His shoulder slumped in defeat as he talked.

"This is my fault. If it wasn't for me then he..."

North cut him off speaking to him in rapid Greek, Mr. Blackbourne raised a brow at the two of them. He swore North did it sometimes just to piss him off. North shrugged apologetically but Mr. Blackbourne didn't buy it for a second.

"Mr. Korba this isn't your fault. You can not control the actions of another human being and nothing you have done in the past has lead to Theo and his arson problem. We have done everything we can as a family to put a end to it and if we have to get the academy involved we will."

Silas nodded his head in defeat.

"Gentlemen for tonight let's just get to sleep and in the morning when Mr. Coleman and Mr. Morgan take Mr. Sorenson shopping we can discuss a plan with the others. Is that agreeable for now?"

Both men nodded and headed back to the living room. Mr. Blackbourne wondered how Sam was going to hide his identity tomorrow. Not only was he shopping with the tenacious Gabriel but he was suppose to swim with nine other men tomorrow. He chuckled to himself imagining Gabriel with Sam. He stood and headed up to Kota's room where he was going to sleep for the evening. He walked through the living room and smiled at Sam laying his head on Kota's lap and his feet across Sean's thigh. His brow was furrowed as he dreamt and Mr. Blackbourne wished eventually Sam could tell them his real name.

****hey again everyone. I went back through and spaced a bit better since a few people said it was hard to follow. Let me know if this is easier on everyone. Thank you guys again for following and reading and sticking through with me. Also for fun I'll let y'all know we named our little one Gabriella, she is a ball of fire already. ;)

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