Chapter 12

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*hey guys some abuse and just grossness in this chapter just a FYI. I might make this a mature book. Any feedback is appreciated and please excuse my typos as I reread I try to edit the mistakes. I might need a beta reader if anyone is interested.*

There is a woman, I can't see her face. She is crying, heart wrenching sobs. I try to find her but I'm in total darkness. I can't see anything, I try to talk but my voice is gone. I go to move and I find my arms and legs are bound. I try to escape the binds to find whoever needs my help. Blinding pain hits my sides, I look and still see nothing in the darkness. "Worthless slut, just like your mother." Who said that, that voice is so familiar. The crying is louder and louder. Kick, "You will always be worthless." Another kick

I sit up quickly and start to gasp, where am I. What time is it, the room I'm in is dark. The bed almost looks like I'm in a hospital, why would I be there what's going on. I start to hyperventilate, what's going on. Oh god my mother is going to kill me if I'm in a hospital.

"Pookie, I need you to take deep slow breaths and calm down for me ok." I turn my head to the right so quickly I get dizzy. Dr. Green and Mr. Blackbourne are sitting on two chairs at a desk next to the cot I am in. Right I am at school, I fell asleep before Dr. Green could check me over in his office. Deep breaths Sam, in and out. In and out, I smile at them and see Dr. Green relax a bit.

"Mr. Sorenson could you tell me what that was about?" Mr. Blackbourne is calm and his voice is just above a whisper. I shake my head because really I can't tell him and I am not entirely sure why I reacted that way. My brows furrow as I try to understand my reaction and why I was so disoriented. Two fingers under my chin bring me back to the here and now. Dr. Green's sparkling eyes catch my attention.

"Alrighty pookie let's go ahead and do a quick one over and see how you look today, after we are done you can talk to your third period teacher Mr. Grumpy pants over there." My eyebrows skyrocket into my hair line it's third period. I slept through three classes, oh crap my stuff. I start looking and I see my bag by the door.

As if reading my mind Mr. Blackbourne starts, "The junior Mr. Taylor brought your stuff in when Mr. Coleman told him you were asleep. I think the boys are a little worried about you so if you have a minute text them alone let them know you are fine." As he finishes talking the phone on his desk rings.

"Mr. Blackbourne here," he nods his head, "Mr. Sorenson was complaining of a migraine and Dr. Green had him lie down, he is in our office because Dr. Green thought it be quieter than the nurses." He is listening to the other talker intently, his posture is more stiff and if his face wasn't so still I would guess he is upset. "I will send him that way right now. Yes sir I understand." He puts the phone down slowly and exhales loudly.

"You are to report to Mr. Hendricks office, I have a plan that will work with him and once you are done talking to him report back here and I can tell you about it. But for now tell him you will do what he asks." I gape at Mr. Blackbourne there is no way in hell I'll eat on my friends. I go to speak but Mr. Blackbourne shakes his head and points to the door.

"Behave pookie I still need to look you over and I haven't heard your voice yet and from the sounds of the boys concerns I need to." I direct my gaze to my shoes and head out the door.

Walking to the office I fume a bit, the nerve to think I would betray them. Then I think about Dr. Greens words, I know it wasn't a threat but it felt like one. He doesn't know I'm injured how could it be a threat, stop being so damn dramatic. Thanks for your opinion witch. I pull the door and see the secretary, she points at Mr. Hendricks office and doesn't even look up from her desk. As I grab the handle a big man comes out the office next door. He's a inch or two taller then me, he has a belly that looks as if he is carrying twins. He's balding in a unflattering way, and smells like a urinal. I hold my breath as he walks by. His suit doesn't fit him well and is worn out.His poop brown blood shot eyes look me up and down.

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