Chapter 30

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****hello everyone!!! Thank you all for the votes and comments and reviews!!! this chapter isn't too bad just a bit of swearing from our friendly meanie.  If you want me to keep doing pov from the guys let me now. Hope you enjoy!********

(Victor) 5:48 AM

We have no idea where Sam is, I am trying to track the SUV that took him and I lost him ten miles away from Nathan's. I am trying to reign in my growing frustration at not being able to find Sam, I am scared something is wrong and I feel the fear in every bone. 

When we met Sam Mr. Blackbourne asked me to run a search on him but I can't find anything. No old records for school, no medical records, no birth certificate absolutely nothing. There is no evidence of another Sorenson, I found a set of school records for a Sang Sorenson in kindergarten. The records where in Kentucky back when the Sorensons lived there but those are the only records of a different Sorenson that I have found, but still no Sam. 

I asked Corey from the Toma team for help before they disappeared but he hadn't found anything about Sam either. With the lack of his trail electronically and paper it makes one thing clear, our Sam is a ghost. I was going to bring it up to Mr. Blackbourne tonight but with everything that had happened, I haven't been able to. As I am scanning through files a message pops through my blackhat email. It's strange because only a few of my brothers and a handful of other Academy members know about this email, doing a quick scan of the room and seeing I am alone I open the email.

Subject: SOS

Piano man,

Lord of the Game here. The original fellowship is unharmed but we obtained a new ring bearer! Sauron's minion's ties were cut by Frodo! The fellowship is returning from the mission and heading to the Prancing Pony. If we are not there by 7:15 AM send the elfin party with the works to coordinates below. Sauron is in the keep with 5 orcs.

32.4316 n, 80.6698 w 

"MR. BLACKBOURNE!" I shout out. Thank god they have Sam. I snort, I wonder how North and Silas will feel about being elves. God Corey is such a Damn nerd, I am too since that whole message actually made sense. Five assailants on top of Volto, we need to pack the heavy weapons. They are loaded based on Coreys email. I quickly type back a response to Corey and look up to see Mr. Blackbourne, Kota and Sean running into the room I am sitting in.

"Corey just sent an encrypted email. They have Sam and are all ok. We are to meet them at Uncle's Diner at 7:15. If they are not there by 7:15 I have the coordinates to get to them. We should send half of the team in that direction loaded with weapons. From what he says the other people on the property are armed and dangerous. I was thinking it be smarter to send half the team in that direction in case they are caught and this email showing their coordinates is discovered. That way we have men on site to help them escape and we aren't trying to figure out where they are and if they'll make a run for it. They are all ok from what I gather but I think we should bring Dr. Roberts to be safe."

Mr. Blackbourne looks at me and nods his head. "Mr. Lee, you, Mr. Korba and the Taylor brothers head out to the coordinates Mr. Morgan has and wait for further instructions. Once Mr. Sorenson and the Toma team are at Uncle's I will call you. If you don't hear from me by 7:30 you head in and find our brothers." 

Kota nods and looks over to the others standing in the doorway. "North and Silas grab a bag and weapons from the basement. Luke come with me and get the other supplies from my room."

The two pairs separate and head in opposite directions. Gabe comes over and sits on the couch next to me. He is reading the email Corey sent over my shoulder and I hear his disgusted snort as he finishes it. "I know you fuckers are all smart and shit but seriously what in the fuck is that!"

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