Chapter 21

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While I try to sort my life out in Japanese class, *snort* how dramatic. The bell rings, quickly I grab my stuff and head off to gym without a word or backwards glance to Victor and Dr. Green. Slipping through the crowded hallways I make it with time to spare, I wave to the vicinity Gabriel and Nathan are as I head into a stall. Changing quickly and getting my stuff organized I put my phone in its hiding spot, I know we can't have it in class but something is off. My guts clenching and I feel like I need to be on guard, as I exit the locker room I notice the gym is filled with more students than normal. It almost looks like the whole school, but that's not possible. Looking around I see everyone from gym is sitting on the bleachers and not doing the normal routine. Some of Greg's friends from earlier are looking my way and making obscene gestures, shrugging them off I sit on the bleachers by myself. I refuse to look in Gabriel and Nathan's direction not that I can find them in this sea of people, I'm not angry with them but I need to start distancing myself before it hurts.

Who are you kidding, it's gonna hurt no matter when or if it happens.

I shrug internally trying not to agree with her today, but as always I know she is right. Looking to the clock I see the bell is just about to ring when a different bell goes off. It's almost like a fire alarm but I haven't heard it before. Looking around I see shock cross the teachers faces and they are all in business mode, turning I catch Gabriel's eye and he starts to head my way. I stand and before I can get to him two arms wrap around my waist and drag me back, I start to flail out. I am kicking and hitting out but the person behind me is unmoving, Gabriel is saying something but I can't hear him. His face is a mask of rage as he tried to push through the crowd to get to me, I can't see Nathan or any of the others anywhere. I feel the pull on me taking me further and further from Gabriel, my eyes lock with his and I relax. I look into his worried eyes and show I'm ok, I have to do this for them. Remembering what the note said I don't want any of them involved, I turn to see it's Jer holding me.

"I'll follow," I say into his ears, he eyes me suspiciously but nods.

He loosens his grip on my waist and grabs my upper arm instead, he leads the way to where ever it is we are going. We weave in and out of the crowd and I look over my shoulder, I can't see any of the guys so I just sigh and head to my fate. He drags me up the stairs to the second landing, I think we are getting off here but he keeps going up to the third level. He is muttering to himself under his breath, and his grip tightens. We get to a hallway I haven't seen before, it looks like no one ever uses it. I find that weird seeing this school is so crowded and every inch should be used for the education of the students. Feeling more and more uncomfortable and realizing my mistake I decide to redline somebody, anybody. I reach into the wrap and push a couple buttons, I hear a male voice but can't make out what it's saying.

Being strong is knowing when to ask for help and accepting the help you have been given, we are not weak.

Turning a corner I hear more voices, as we round it I see Greg and his cronies, also with him are Jade and some of her crowd. I shudder involuntarily thinking of Jade and her unwanted touch. There are a few meat head football players standing next to Jade and her girls, there are a lot of people in this hallway. I hear Jade and Greg arguing, I can't make out the conversation just yet but the looks they give each other could kill. Jade sees me and she perks up, her chest pops out, she flutters her lashes and sways her hips as she walks towards me.

"Sam baby," she croons as her claws wrap around my bicep.

"Greg and I here are having a bit of a misunderstanding. He thinks your gay and are with Northy and Silas because you like them. I think you joined their brotherhood because they see the potential in you that I see."

She glares at Greg as she says the last part, I nod in agreement with her. Greg scoffs and walks closer to us as well, the closer he gets I see one of the football players on his heels.

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