Chapter 13

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Walking along side Dr. Green and Mr. Blackbourne we head to the parking lot instead of the field where everyone else sits. As we get closer to a silver BMW I see some of the guys. Victor and Kota are standing by the car, Gabriel and Nathan are approaching from the right, Luke, North and Silas from the left. I hear Dr. Green and Mr. Blackbourne murmuring behind me, I turn to look at them. Please don't say anything in front of the boys I beg you. They must see something in my eyes because they both give me a small nod and stand on either side of me.

"Alright listen up, some thing went down today. Sam had a run in with Hendricks and McCoy. We will brief you on what exactly happened at our family meeting. That will be taking place tonight at seven in Mr. Griffins home since his father is still out of town. Are we going to have any problems with that?"

He looks to the boys who all shake their heads. North and Gabriel both go to speak but he continues, "Very well, we will need to change a few things for this mission due to the events of this day. After this drill Sam will accompany Dr. Green and myself. You will continue to lunch and your afternoon classes as usual. We can all meet at my office after school so you guys can give him what he has missed for the day homework wise."

We stand by the car as we watch fire trucks approach. "I guess it wasn't a drill," Kota states as we watch the firefighters unload. A couple of police cars also appear behind the firetruck. Mr. Blackbourne pulls out his phone and starts typing furiously on it, I look over and see Dr. Green and Victor doing the same.

Hmmm, I zone out and think about Mr. Hendricks and McCoy. What am I going to do, of course I'll go along with the plan but am I ever going to be safe. Is McCoy going to be waiting behind every wall for the opportunity to sneak up and attack me. Will they go through with their threat if I don't give a good enough report. Are they going to find out I'm not really Sam, what would they do with that information. I start to shake a bit, oh god what if they call my mom. She'll finally kill me I know it. My thoughts cycle over and over and I can't stop the cycle, I can't seem to come back. I hear concerned voices all around me and I feel hands on my back, shoulders and face. Calming and concerned voices reach my ears but I still can't seem to come back to reality. Am I going to be assaulted? I have never even kissed a boy, am I going to loose my firsts to a sexually aggressive adult. To that disgusting man who won't cherish me or treat me with respect but treat me like a disposable toy.

No we won't! We won't let them do anything to us. The boys will help us they will protect you. Kota promised to keep you safe, so did Owen and Sean. We have to trust, come back Sang I'll keep you safe and sane we are stronger than anyone gives us credit for you can do it.

Slowly the world around me comes to. First it's sounds, the alarm is still blaring, the boys are all talking quickly, some are quiet and others are shouting. Touch comes next as I feel hands on my shoulders, massaging them. Then I feel circles on my back being rubbed, next gentle thumbs caressing my cheeks. I feel cold wetness by the thumbs, am I crying? Smell next, citrus and ginger by my face Sean. Behind the ginger is Spring soap Owen. To my right musk and the ocean North Star and super man. The left moss and berries and vanilla and sugar, Victor and my energizer bunny. Behind me to the left rubbing the shoulders is spice and Cyprus Kota and Nathan. And faintly behind to the right is something new leatherish and a spice maybe my meanie so indecisive with his smells. I taste the salt from my tears that have fallen into my mouth. Finally my sight, I blink and look into six concerned faces my other boys are behind me so I can't see them.

Flames engulf my face and I turn to the ground, "I'm ok," I whisper to Dr. Green. He stares into my eyes looking for any sign I'm lying, he looks up at the boys and nods his head. Slowly I feel the hands leave my body and feel everyone step away.

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