Chapter 28

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****Hello guys!!! I am not sure if I should keep this book going. I have a end game but I just don't know if its really catching anyone's attention anymore or if its just drifted off and slowly died. lots of things coming up. I gave a short update for those who want to keep reading. Message me or comment your feelings on this. Hope you all enjoy.^^^

Birds chirp in the spring air, I smell the ocean around me. I look up in the sunny sky and watch as the butterflies fly across and dance with the clouds. I let out a contented sigh and snuggle closer in the lap I am laying on. Calloused fingers run through my long blonde hair as the ocean scent touches my nose again from the breeze blowing in. Listening around I hear laughter and the sounds of the woods.

"Aggelle Mou do you want to run and play with Luke and Gabe?" My gentle giant whispers in my ear and I shiver at the feeling of his breath on my skin.

"Not today superman. I just want to take it all in." He never stops playing with my hair. I feel another pair of hands gently laying on my stomach. The smell of musk and engine oil alerts me to my grouchy pants. He has been in a sour mood all day, you would think the sunshine would help but he's on a roll.

"Baby, can we move you somewhere cooler. Doc told you the heat isn't great for the lil ones." He emphasizes his statement with a rub to my stomach. I feel a pop where his hand lies and Silas starts to chuckle.

"Brother I don't think you are going to win this time. The little aggelles have spoken." North growls and I giggle at his temper. Looking over to him I see his eyes soften, "You know I just care and worry about you three." I nod in agreement, I pull his hand towards my lips and place a gentle kiss on his fingers. He smiles at me, his hand returns to my belly and his brown eyes turn to chocolate.

I look around at the rest of my guys, Kota is reading a book under the large oak tree. Victor and Nathan are in some heated debate about some new movie, they both calm a bit once they sense my stares. The flames in Victors eyes cool to a simmer and Nathans red face turns pink. I smile and keep looking around at the others. Sean is asleep in a hammock next to the gate, he has been working a lot of hours lately so he can spend more time at home once the twins arrive.

I really wish he wouldn't work himself into the ground. I worry about him, he has bags underneath his eyes and his face looks sallow. Looking at him North sighs, "Baby you know he is only doing this temporarily. He wants to spend at least a month home so he has to get everything caught up and ahead for Dr. Roberts." I sigh knowing he is right but I don't have to like it.

As I go to respond I hear Gabriel's colorful language. Gabriel and Luke are chasing after Toby, the new basset hound we rescued from the shelter. He has a paint brush in his mouth and is running towards the pond in the yard. He is still very young and a hand full. I hope they catch him before he gets to the water. I look for my perfection, over the last few years he has really calmed down with the formalities. He calls all the boys by their first names now and he even smiles freely. The ghosts that were burdening this family are in the past where they belong.

It was a hard road but we finally got here. Between the abusive families and secrets the academy was keeping we almost lost our way.

A noise coming from the house pulls my attention. I look up and see my perfection walking down the stairs. He has a cup in one hand, a book tucked under his arm, and he is carrying a folded up chair from the looks of it. He sees me watching him and he smiles at me. As he walks over I cant help but stare at him, he is wearing jeans and t-shirt that cling to every inch of him. These pregnancy hormones are making me absolutely insane. He gives me a sexy smirk like he knows I am mentally undressing him. He probably does if I am going to be honest with myself.

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