Chapter 23

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**I know I know it's been forever sorry life is well.... life. Thank you for reading and your patience.****

Cold hands are touching my sides and I feel them slowly moving up and getting closer to my wrap. I shoot up and start swatting at the hands touching me trying to remember where I am and what happened. My sides hurt, my head hurts, ugh just everything hurts.

"Pookie calm down it's only me I was just checking out your ribs," I look up and see smiling concerned green eyes looking at me.

I smile up at Sean and remember my stupidity, my face heats and I hear him chuckling.

"Next time you need a good laugh lets do it sitting down so you don't hyperventilate and knock yourself out again. Your body isn't fully healed and won't be for another week or so. Let's try to take it easy ok."

I just nod like a moron, I look around the concerned faces and see North. He looks upset and I give a small wave, Gabriel and Luke are busting up in the corner and I turn to see what has caught their attention. Victor has a grin on his face and his laptop is sitting in his lap, Gabriel and Luke are on either side of him and I can only guess that they are watching North.

I smile and start to chuckle again, "Nope Pookie no more of that for now, what had you in such a fit."

I look at Sean and grin widely, "There was a girl trying to get Norths attention inside the elevator she was blocking his path. He was trying to get around her but she wasn't moving. So... *snort* North pretended to drop something and as she bended over he vaulted over her like the hurdles on a track field. He then smoothed out his clothes and waved before the doors closed. It was just so ridiculous and unNorth like."

My smile is splitting my face as I remember. Looking around I see a couple of the others head to Victor's computer to look. Once I see Silas I remember why we are here.

"Oh Silas I'm sorry we are here for you and I go and be a idiot. I'm so sorry."

I try to get up but Sean puts a hand on me and shakes his head.

"Couple more minutes Sam."

I groan but nod. Silas makes his way over to me and smiles softly, "It's ok Aggele mou, I'm just glad you are back and well."

He winks and nods his head in Mr. Blackbourne's direction with a smirk on his face. It takes me a few minutes but after looking over Mr. Blackbourne I see it. He is wearing hot pink shoe laces, a pink bracelet, a pink shirt with "the boss" in glitter and his glasses have pink on the rims.

I snort again loudly and Sean shakes his head at me, "I know he looks dashing pookie but keep the laughing to a minimum for now."

I nod but can't help asking, "Where did Gabriel get that stuff?"

Gabriel hearing his name pops up in front of me with a wicked grin, "I have had those glasses for a while now and have been waiting for the perfect opportunity, the bracelet I have tons of them in different colors. The shoe laces were from a breast cancer thing we did together, the shirt was specially made last night."

He's grinning while looking at Mr. Blackbourne, as if the man can sense our eyes he looks over at us. He frowns and furrows his brows, uses his finger to push up his glasses and turns away. I start to chuckle with Gabriel and stop when Sean gives me the stink eye. I try to smother my chuckles with a cough that then shoots pain to my ribs and has me bowling over in a real fit of coughs. Sean grabs my wrists and lifts my hands over my head while I cough, Gabriel starts to rub my back and Silas is muttering in Greek. Once I calm down my head spins and I sway a bit. Sean releases my hands and puts a arm around me to hold me still.

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