Chapter 27

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***for those that have messaged me there is the lil one. I have had a hard time lately and lost everything for my books. This chapter will be normal size. Be warned some very dark triggers I have been in a dark place lately and of course Gabe. I will start updating more , gonna shoot for bi weekly. I am going to start a darker Ghost Bird fanfiction to get rid of some demons I have. I just wanted thank you for the words of encouragement and all the amazing things you guys have said!!!! HelplessSycophant thank you!

Growling fills the dark room, I turn slowly trying to find my way in the darkness. Hoping to avoid whatever creature is out there, trying to be invisible. Funny how most of my life I can be invisible but the darkness always ends up finding me in my dreams. As I grab in the dark my hand comes into contact with the wall, using it for support through the darkness I let up a silent prayer.  As I go down the corridor the growling noise intensifies. The smell is moldy and I faintly hear water dripping somewhere in the distance. Turning down the corner I see a faint light, the growling is coming from the lit room. As I get closer and the light brightens I hear the voices of men, men who sound familiar to me. Entering the room I shield my eyes from the light.

"Sam... RUN!!!" The voice is frantic and desperate. Looking in the direction the voice came from I see all nine of my men tied up. North is the one who shouted at me. His forehead is covered in blood, the others have varying cuts and bruises over their bodies. I race over to them when an arm shoots out and pulls me against a body.

I shiver as the person behind me sniffs my hair, his breath is rank and from the feel of his body I know who it is. I refuse to turn and look at my attacker, the boys all have looks of rage on their faces. "Ahhhh little BOY!" He spits the last word out violently. "How do you think your friends would feel if they knew the truth?"

I cringe and look into grey orbs, they are molten like liquid silver that's just been melted. He looks directly into my face and gives me a true smile. He mouths to run, don't they understand I would do anything for them. I shake my head sadly, turning in the arms of my attacker I make my decision.

"Do your worst, I will submit to anything if you promise to leave them untouched from here on."  McCoy's eyes darken with lust and a hint of a predator, his smile is pure evil. "Deal! But they will watch what you will go through for them." I nod resigned to my fate, he pulls out duct tape and tapes my elbows together, slowly he makes his way to my men with tape in hand. They are fighting for their lives. North, Gabe, and Nathan are swearing and threatening him, Sean, Luke and Silas are begging, Victor is trying to implore me with eyes to just run, Kota is silently counting, Blackbournes mask has fallen and I see despair in his eyes.

"I will always pick you over me. This is my choice Owen, you did not fail me. Family first." McCoy sneers as he covers the last mouth with duct tape, "I want  to hear you scream and beg so I think I will leave your mouth untouched." My fight flees my body at the looks of pain on my guys faces. McCoy prowls over to me grinning like the cat that got the cream. He grips my chin and steals my first kiss, I don't move and I barely breathe. He bites my lower lip hard enough to draw blood, I don't give him the satisfaction of making a noise.

As he pulls back I feel the blood drip down my chin. I wont look at the guys I don't want to see the disappointment or disgust in their eyes. I think back on the week and all the good times I had with them, as McCoy tears off my pants I remember the first encounters with each. My mind replays my subconscious' words and I smile to myself.

Air brushes across my back as he cuts off my shirt, I don't want to look at the guys, I don't want to see the betrayal in their eyes once they know my secret. McCoy though knows this and he is a cruel  bastard. He raises my head by pulling my hair back, I whimper and open my eyes. McCoy takes the knife and cuts down the wrap I have that contains my breasts.

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