Chapter 15 - What happened?

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Chapter 15 - What happened?

----Yonghwa's POV----

Uhhh...I have a headache... Why does it hurt? What happened last night? All I remember is that I was with Shinhye in the noraebang last night then after that... I don't remember anything? I just woke up this morning with a terrible headache...

I really can't remember anything so I decided to send Shinhye a message.

To: Shinhye

Ya~ Were you able to go home safely last night? I have an headache T__T And I can't remember what  happened...


While I was waiting for her reply, I went out of my room to see if the other members are awake. And as I expected, they're already eating breakfast without me... HEOL.

"Good morning hyung~" Jungshin greeted

"Let's eat~"-Jonghyun

"Ya! Why're you eating ahead of me?" I asked

"Because we thought that you would not wake up immediately."-Minhyuk

"Anyway, does your head hurt, hyung?"-Jungshin

"Yeah it hurts a lot..."

"Heol~ hangover~"-Jonghyun

What?! Why? What 'hangover'?? Did I perhaps...drink last night???

"D'you know what happened last night?"

"Yeah, manager-hyung took you home. He said you passed out because you accidentally drank Soju. Pfft~"-Jungshin

Judging from Jungshin's tone, I sounded really pathetic last night... Ahhhhhh how can this happen?

Then does that mean... I acted weird around Shinhye last night? Oh this can't be!!

"What about Shinhye? Was Shinhye with manager hyung last night?" I immediately asked

"Yeah, but she was dropped-off first before you so we weren't able to see her last night."-Jonghyun

"But hyung, don't you think that you might've acted weird last night? You know, when you drink, you suddenly become brutally honest..."-Minhyuk


"Eyyyy~ Minhyuk-ah, don't scare Yonghwa hyung! Look he's already sweating~"-Jungshin

It's true, I am sweating right now. I can't help but think what I might have said or done last night....

"Hyung, why don't you just call Shinhye-ssi?"-Jonghyun

"Ah. You're right." then I ran to my room, sat on my bed and checked my phone.

Hm? I haven't received any reply from her. Is she still asleep?

I should try calling her. Would it bother her? Oh well, there's nothing wrong in trying, right?

Calling.... Shinhye

I was tapping my fingers on my lap while waiting for her to answer...

2 rings passed...



Still no answer...?

But fortunately, after the 5th ring, she answered my call.


"Ah Shinhye-ya~ What took you so long?"

["Oh sorry, I just woke up."]

"Ahh... is that so.. sorry if I bothered you."

["No, it's alright. Anyway, why did you call?"]

"I just wanted to ask something.."

["Hm? What is it?"]

"Did I...perhaps do something weird yesterday?"

["What kind of weird? You're always weird you know."]

"Okay, let me rephrase it. Did I say something extraordinary to you last night?"

["S-something..? N-not really... w-why did you ask?"]

Is it just me or did she just stutter?

"It's just that--" she suddenly cut me off

["Oh! Yonghwa-ya, sorry I have to go now, mom's already calling me. T-talk to you later 'kay? I'm hanging up~"]

I was about to say something but then,,,

*toot toot toot*

She hung up already..

She just made me even more confused!


----Shinhye's POV----

["It's just that---"]

I cut him off because I was really nervous! Ah why am I acting this way??

"Oh! Yonghwa-ya, sorry I have to go now, mom's already calling me. T-talk to you later 'kay? I'm hanging up~"

Then I quickly tapped the "End Call" button.

Ahhh... this is so frustrating...

"Ya!" I heard Yoonhye shout so I faced her.


"Why did you lie to him?"

"What lie?"

"You purposely didn't reply to his message and you hesitantly answered his call. Then your excuse is that you just woke up?? Heol~ when you're actually hanging out at my house for already an hour!"

"It's just that... Ahh!! I don't know!" I messed up my hair because I am really confused!

"Nothing really happened last night right? There was no confession. So why're you acting like that?"

"Honestly, I don't really know. I suddenly feel ackward. I don't know."

"Shinhye-ya, I know that deep inside you, you know the reason why you're like that. You just need to admit it."

Heol,,, She's right, I know that.

I'm just a bit bothered. What if Yonghwa really DOES like me?

I cannot imagine that.

I'm so confused!

We're just best friends, right?

We can't be more than that.

I hope so...

<To be continued,,,,>

Best friends, Lovers, or Nothing? [YongShin FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now