Chapter 23

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author's note: Forgive me, this is the worst chapter I have ever written.... /cries Han River/


Chapter 23

----Author's POV----

"Would you understand if I told you that I like you?" Yonghwa asked while looking into Shinhye's eyes.

"W-what are you talking about...." she was flustered by Yonghwa's words.

"What part of 'I like you' that you don't understand? It's as simple as that Shinhye-ya." then YH let out a sigh.

'Sudden confession, huh? I really didn't want to confess in this situation... But I guess it's about time. I'm sick of this facade. I'll accept whatever her answer will be.'  Yonghwa thought to himself.

"Impossible...." Shinhye wasn't able to find the right words to utter, Yonghwa noticed uneasiness written all over Shinhye's face.

"If you're uncomfortable at what I just said then just forget it and we'll just continue being just friends. I'm better off being friends with you rather than being a complete stranger just because of my stupid feelings." YH smiled and messed up Shinhye's hair.

"Eh?" Shinhye still seemed to be puzzled.

A moment ago, they were fighting, then a sudden confession came up and now Yonghwa is telling her to forget everything? Shinhye didn't know that being friends with someone can be this complicated.

"I don't want to lose our friendship." Yonghwa smiled at her then he turned around and started walking.

Shinhye was still shocked at what happened so she stared at Yonghwa's back walking away from her.

In front of her, he was smiling.

God knows how painful it is for him to say to her to "just forget his feelings".

Afterall, he was just pretending to be okay in front of Shinhye. And now that she can't see his face, his bright smile disappeared.

He thinks that they can never be lovers. Of course, to be lovers, feelings need to be mutual. But what can he possibly do if Shinhye only sees him as a best friend?

And as for Shinhye, everything's happening too fast. How can they possibly be lovers if she doesn't even know what her feelings are.

There are too many obstacles ahead of them, she just can't possibly take a risk for something so unsure.

----Shinhye's POV----

This is too much, it's been a week since Yonghwa's confession.

Bothered. I'm so bothered. Still bothered.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!! What should I do Yoonhye-ah...."

"Shinhye-ya, you've been asking me that for the 10th time already." Yoonhye complained.

I called her to come to my house to collect my thoughts but it seems like she's not helping at all..... *sigh*

"I mean, do you think that Yonghwa really likes me??"

"Why are you asking me that... I'm not him. Besides, is it even important if he likes you or not?"

"What do you mean?"

"He told you to forget everything right? So it's not important anymore. And you don't even feel the same way so why bother?" surprisingly, she made a point. Why am I still bothered by it?

"I dunno Yoonhye.... There's something that's hurting here..." then I pointed to my chest.


"No, it's something different..."

"Don't tell me...." then she seriously looked at me.

"What?" I had no clue of what she's trying to say.

"Maybe you're already in-lo----"

*ring ring ring*

She wasn't able to continue her sentence because my phone suddenly rang.

Lee Minho calling.....

"Hmm? Why is he calling?" I asked myself.

"Who's that?"

"A friend. But before I answer, what were you going to say a while ago?"

"What? Nothing. Just answer your call now. I forgot what I was gonna say."


Then I pressed the answer button.


["Hi Shinhye-ssi...."]

"Why did you call?"

["I need to discuss something with you."]

<To be continued>


See? I told you it's the worst chapter ㅠㅡㅠ But anyway, I'll bring you better chapters in the future:)) Hohoho thanks for reading this! ^^

Best friends, Lovers, or Nothing? [YongShin FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now