Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

----Yonghwa's POV----

It's been a month since Shinhye and I started dating. So far, no one else except the members, know about this.

We often go on dates but these past few days, I've been so busy because our world tour already started.

["Yonghwa-ya, I'll go to your house and bring some food for you guys, okay? Just wait for me, I'll be there by noon."]

I immediately stood up from bed as soon as I heard her voice mail.

I looked at my wall clock and I saw the time, "11:30?!!" I shouted.

what the-- She said that she's coming here by noon.

I have to tell those guys to clean up because our dorm is messy!

I slammed my door open and I saw the startled faces of the three.

"Hyung, what's wrong?"-Jonghyun

"You look like you had a bad dream."-Jungshin


"Ya! We should clean up here, Shinhye is gonna visit us!! Hurry!!" I commanded.

And so we rushed our cleaning and we shoved everything in one place just to make the living room look clean.

"Hah~ We managed to 'clean' our dorm in thirty minutes..." Jungshin said while sitting on the couch

*ding dong*

"Hyung, that must be her, open the door, you're the boyfriend."

I looked at the mirror to see if I looked fine and then ran to the door and opened it.

"Hello~~~" Shinhye said while smiling brightly.

I saw her holding two paperbags and when I was about to say something...


"Aigoo, Yonghwa-ya! I think you should eat now! Hahahaha!!" then she hit me on my arm. Tsk, such a violent girlfriend.

"Tch, yeah they're here. C'mon in." then I led her to the living room where the members are.

"Hi noona~/Shinhye-ssi." they said and bowed to her.

"I brought dosirak(lunchboxes) for you to eat! So you can replenish your energy for your next stop!"

"Really?? Waaaa thank you Shinhye-noona!!"-Jungshin

"Thank you noona~"-Minhyuk

"Thanks for doing this for us."-Jonghyun

"No problem! I'm your #1 fan right? You deserve the best! Wait, I'll get you some tea."

"I'll help you." I said then we went to the kitchen.

"You really made that?" I asked her.

"Of course! It's the least I can do."

"As expected from my girlfriend. Thanks Shinhye-ya."

I gave her a back hug and I felt that she was startled.

"Y-ya! They might see us!"

"It's alright. You're my girlfriend afterall."

I heard her chuckle, "Ya, why do you keep on saying the word 'girlfriend'?"

"Why? You're my girlfriend right? And you're my only girlfriend."

"Yes but---"


Our conversation was interrupted because the members suddenly laughed and I was shocked to see that they were actually eavesdropping on us!

"Ya! I told you it's embarassing!" Shinhye said while covering her embarassed face.


"Thank you for the food!!" they all said in unison as they put their chopsticks down.

"Noona, it was really delicious!" Minhyuk happily commented.

"Yea it was, unlike some other person..." Jungshin mumbled something but we didn't hear it.

"Why don't we play the pepero game?" Jonghyun suggested out of the blue.

"What??" Shinhye and I asked in unison.

"It's just for fun hyung." Jonghyun said with a cunning smile and then he turned to Jungshin, "Jungshin-ah, get the box of Pepero in the kitchen cabinet."

"Roger!" Jungshin ran to the kitchen.

"Are you serious about this?"

"We just wanna relax hyung, it's just the 5 of us here anyway." even Minhyuk sided with them... Heol...

"Shinhye-ya, what should we do? We're trapped."

"Oh well, we have no choice now. It's just a game Yonghwa-ya!"

"Fine....  "

Then Jungshin came back with a box of pepero and he opened it and gave one stick to us.

"Wooo start now!!" Jungshin cheered.

"Here goes nothing..." then I put one end of the stick in my mouth and so did Shinhye.

"Fighting~" Minhyuk and Jonghyun cheered.

And then we started biting the biscuit bit by bit.

"WAAAAA ALMOST THERE!!" I heard Jungshin hysterically screaming like a girl.

We stopped when there was 2 cm left but we didn't break the stick and just stared at each other.

"Just continue!!"-Minhyuk

"You're dating right? Just go for it!"

And just when I was gonna finish the biscuit...

"Oh so this is what's happening."

Shinhye and I broke the stick and turned to the person who spoke out of the blue.


<To be continued>


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