Chapter 1

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It was December 2010. Meryl and Don had just arrived in Connecticut a few days before Christmas to get everything ready. They were excited to have the whole family, and Ben, there for Christmas this year. It was much needed. Things had been stressful for the Gummers the past few months. It all started in the summer when Don's legs began bothering him and the doctor recommended using a cane. Don was reluctant at first and mainly only used it when he was really in a lot of pain. Since then he just seemed to go down hill. It became harder for him to work, due to not being able to stand long, which made him cranky. He wasn't able to make love to his wife as much as he liked, and he was snapping at her. Don NEVER snapped at her. Meryl was worried sick about him. Not just because of the change in his personality, but especially regarding his health. She was even more concerned when he wouldn't go to the doctor. She was kept up at night with worry over what could be wrong with her husband. She knew he was scared as well and that was why he wouldn't go to the doctor. She told him over and over that whatever they learned wouldn't change how she felt about him, EVER, but it seemed to go in one ear and out the other. That all changed when she finally put her foot down, and begged him to go to the doctor after an emotional and tearful heart to heart. At first he was defensive thinking he wasn't satisfying her in the way she needed, and she snapped saying she didn't give a shit about that, all she cared about was him. She needed him, her love, her best friend, her partner; their children needed their father. She reminded him they had gone through life altering situations before, and as long as they held onto each other, they would get through whatever this was; they just needed to learn what was going on so they could face whatever it was, together. She reminded him that nothing could ever change how she felt about him. She wanted him to lean on her. She just wanted him to be okay. Seeing Meryl on her knees in front of him, crying into his lap and begging him to fight for himself, for her, for their children and for their lives was the kick in the ass he needed to find out once and for all what was going on with him. He never meant to cause her that kind of worry and heartache, he would never hurt her on purpose. She told him all that mattered was that he was going to get checked out, which was all she wanted in the first place. Unfortunately, he couldn't get in until after Christmas which Meryl warned would mean she would be keeping an eye on him like never before.


Meryl had just finished taking dinner out of the oven and dished their plates, after setting a romantic dinner table. She knew he was down and insecure and she wanted to remind him that she loved him no matter what, and that he was all she ever needed in her life. All that mattered to her was him, their children, and their families. She could handle anything in life if that meant he was with her. Movies didn't matter, oscars didn't matter, and fame didn't matter. All that mattered was their family. And she would do everything she could to get that message through that thick Gummer head of his. She was hoping these few days alone before the kids showed up would give her plenty of opportunities to show him how much she loved him, how much she would always love him, no matter what life threw at them.


Don looked down at his watch and realized he better get back to the main house before Meryl worried too much. He was trying as hard as possible to shake his insecurities. She was his life, and he wanted to make sure she had everything she needed, she wanted, he was afraid that because of his current condition he was holding her back. He didn't want to do that. He didn't want to watch her from afar-he wanted to be beside her. He didn't want to walk down the damned red carpet with a cane. He wanted to be able to dance with her at their children's weddings. He wanted to be able to walk the girls down the aisle. He wanted to play golf and basketball with Henry. He wanted him and Meryl to go on their annual romantic ski trips in the Alps. There was so much he wanted to do, he needed to do. That was why he knew he needed to go to the doctor and get all of this figured out once and for all. At first he was doing it for her, but now he was doing it for him as much as her. He was doing it for them, for their family. Don grabbed his cane and as he was about to walk to the door he started to not feel good, and all he could think about was he needed Meryl, and he needed her now.

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