Chapter 58

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It was the day before Mamie's wedding and all systems were go at the Gummer house-the site of the wedding. Their backyard had been transformed with chairs and a lattice archway for the ceremony; and tents, a dance floor, and table and chairs had also been brought in for the reception which was only the beginning with more furniture and sound systems to be delivered the next day. The Gummer house was bursting at the seams with family. Don had been keeping a close eye on his wife all morning, worrying about her. She had woken up with a headache, and she had been running herself ragged the last few days to make sure things were perfect for their second born with Don helping where he could; ever since her heart episode Don was more intent than ever on making her take care of herself. She scoffed at him that morning when he told her she needed to rest, and so he backed off. Once the house emptied with everyone running their own errands, leaving only Don and Meryl, Don went upstairs to set the scene for her enforced relaxation for the next few hours.


Meryl was busy straightening the chairs in the tent when the pain of her migraine took her breath away; now was not the time for a migraine. There was too much to do. She had tried to hide from her husband how much she was hurting so he wouldn't hover and worry and she hoped she succeeded.  Meryl bent down to start to move some chairs when the pain of the headache overtook her, not knowing her husband had just entered the tent, when she all of a sudden felt really hot and dizzy. She reached out for the table to steady her as she bent over; immediately alerting her watching husband that something was wrong. "BABY? What is it, Darl?"

"I'm okay." Meryl tried to say. "I'm just dizzy."

Don kept one hand on her as he pulled out a chair. "Here, sit."

"Don Man, I'm really okay." Meryl tried to protest.

Don shook his head as he felt how clammy and saw how pale she was. "Bullshit; this is me."

"I haven't been able to fool you, have I?" Meryl asked.

Don laughed and shook his head as he handed her the water he brought out for her. "This is you; you can't fool me, not after almost 33 years of marriage."

"Damn." Meryl teased as she took a drink. "I need to work on that."

Don rubbed her shoulders. "Migraine?"

"Yeah, the pain just took my breath away." Meryl sighed. "I'm better and need to get back to work."

Don pushed her back down. "NO, you don't. There is nothing that needs to be done today, you've done everything. If you need things moved then the boys and I will do that. You are getting out of this heat."

"Don, I need to wash the tables." Meryl tried to protest.

Don grabbed her face in his hands. "Look at me; no you don't, we will get it taken care of in time. This place will be exploding with Streeps and Gummers tonight and in the morning; they can all help, and they will. What you NEED to do is take care of yourself. I sure as hell don't want you to have an episode with your heart, and I want you feeling perfect for the rehearsal dinner tonight and wedding tomorrow. Will you please let me take care of you for a while seeing as though the house is quiet?"

"You're not going to take no for an answer, are you?" Meryl laughed.

Don helped her up as he wrapped an arm around her waist as he kissed the top of her head and led her out of the tent and up to the house. "You're learning."


"Don!" Meryl exclaimed as he lead her into their bedroom and saw he had lit candles and had soft music playing with the lights turned down.

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