Chapter 48

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"You are always ready and willing; that's what I like about you." Meryl smiled.

Don stroked her hair. "Viagra aint got a thing on me, baby."

"Remember when you took it that one time, big guy? And I mean BIG!" Meryl exclaimed.

Don threw is head back and laughed as he thought about the same time. "I did not TAKE it on purpose; you're the only medicine I need hot stuff."

"Taking a little blue pill." Meryl laughed as she shook her head.

Don sighed as she snuggled closer to them, both of them feeling more peace and safety than they had felt since he visited her in London. "You're never going to let me live that down."


Meryl and Don were at their friends' home on the Upper East Side for a party. After everyone had eaten and were mingling, Meryl passed Don on her way to the bathroom as he was coming out. "Hey there, handsome."

"Hey, baby." Don smiled weakly. His headache just would NOT go away, and he had big plans for his wife. They actually had the apartment to themselves for the weekend and he wanted to make good use of it. He sure as hell wasn't going to let a damn headache stand in the way.

Meryl cupped his cheek, concerned, after she took a closer look at him. "Babe, are you feeling alright? You're not looking too good."

"Not doing it for you anymore?" Don raised an eyebrow as he teased her.

Meryl shook her head as she chuckled and tenderly kissed his lips. "You ALWAYS do it for me. Do you not feel well?"

"I just have a small headache." Don said trying to brush it off. "Do you have any Advil or anything?"

Meryl began to look through her purse she was carrying with her to the bathroom. "Damn, I changed purses and must not have put it in here. I'm sorry, babe."

"That's okay, I'll be fine." Don tried to act like he wasn't in pain.

Meryl watched as he rolled his head from side to side and she massaged his neck.  "Babe, why don't we go home? You can take something and go to bed; and we can put our plans on hold until you're feeling better."

"We are NOT changing our plans." Don winked; they had both been looking forward to alone time all week. "I'll be fine; you're not getting out of me making love to you all weekend that easily."

Meryl laughed as she shook her head. "I'd be a damn fool."

"Go...I'll be fine." Don smiled as she was about to interrupt him and read her mind. "I'll tell you if I feel worse and need to leave."


While the women were in the other room looking at pictures of the grandbabies, which Don knew had his wife being bitten by the Grandma bug more than she already was, Don was with the guys talking sports. His headache still wasn't getting better and he went to his friend Greg, the host, as he was filling up his glass in the kitchen. "Hey Greg; do you have any painkillers? I have an awful headache and was planning a romantic night with M, and need something to help."

"Sure." Greg said reaching up into a cabinet and pulling out a pill box. "These are all my pills for the week; I keep them in here."

Don looked at the little blue pill his friend gave him. "What is this?"

"This will help; trust me."  Greg patted Don on the back as he went to grab a piece of pie.

Don usually didn't take pills he didn't know what they were; but at this point he didn't care. "Well, here goes nothing."

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