Chapter 50

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"Doc, you can't let anything happen to me; you have to promise me. Of course, I don't want anything happen to me; I love my life and am not ready for anything to happen. But, if anything happens to my wife it could literally kill her. She has cardiomyopathy and stress could.... don't let anything happen." Don choked when he thought of how he thought she was going to die when her heart problem was discovered.

Unknown to Don, his wife had just arrived to his hospital room after getting herself something to drink before they prepared him for his hip surgery; and she waited for their children to arrive. Tears immediately sprung to Meryl's eyes when she not only thought of the many times she had almost lost him in the past 6 months, but also the fear she heard in his voice at the prospect that something would happen to her. She decided it would be best if she waited outside of the room as she composed herself. This damn hospital held too many memories: Don's numerous surgeries, him on a breathing machine in the ICU, him flat lining, and him almost dying from an anesthetic related reaction. She hated he was having yet another surgery; but she convinced herself this was routine and he would be just fine-she had to believe that. She listened to the doctor. "Don, I do these every day, you should be just fine. We have done our homework on your case. Neither of you have anything to worry about, really."

"Doc, you don't understand. I have had countless procedures these last 6 months and have almost died from each one. My wife has been put through hell, and had a defibrillator pacemaker put in only a few weeks ago; I can't cause her stress." Don said seriously.

Meryl leaned against the wall outside the door; not only falling in love with him all over again, but also hurting-she was hurting for them and everything they had gone through. "Don, we know what medicines you can and cannot have. Your heart and lungs are in great shape. There are no aneurysms. I promise you that we have done our homework; don't worry."

"Tell that to my wife." Don sighed.

Meryl couldn't help but smile when she heard those words. "Okay, someone will be in to shave you in a little bit. Get some rest."

"Thanks, Doc." Don sighed as he leaned back against the pillow; and continued to worry about his wife.

Meryl had collected herself and put her finger to her lips as the doctor walked out. She then walked back in and immediately placed a long and passionate kiss on his lips. "You listen to me Donald Gummer, and you listen good. Nothing is going to happen to you. You are going to be just fine. Come tonight, you will be eating whatever you want me to bring you, and we can have a nice relaxing evening in this room."

"Baby." Don sighed as he wiped a stray tear that trailed down her cheek. "I don't want you to worry or stress; that is what I'm most worried about. I can't let anything happen to you, especially because of me. We don't need you to have an episode."

Meryl leaned down and tenderly kissed his lips. "I can't not worry about you; it comes with loving you as much as I do. But I promise I will take care of myself, so I can take care of you."

"I just want you around for a really long time." Don smiled.

Meryl tenderly kissed his lips; again. "I want you around for a long time as well."

"I'll stay around for you if you stay around with me." Don smiled as they were both calming down and remaining positive.

Meryl smiled as she leaned her forehead against his. "I think that is a scathingly brilliant idea."

"Then maybe we should kiss on it." Don winked.

Meryl pressed her lips to his and responded between kisses. "An...even better...idea."


"I can't believe you're shaving me...there." Don sighed.

"At least it's me and not the nurse." Meryl laughed as she looked up from shaving the operating area. "I could bring this to a more sensitive spot."

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