Chapter 29

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Meryl awoke the next morning and was disappointed that Don wasn't still in bed with her. She knew that they couldn't do what both of them wanted to do; but she just wanted to cuddle up to him. She knew he needed to rest as much as possible as he had done way more than he was supposed to. The doctor had basically put him on bed rest but things spiraled after that. She also knew he was struggling more than he was letting on with what his mother revealed; and she wanted to be there for him in any and every way she could; she just hoped that her mother-in-law would come through for her husband which would be a rare occurrence since they had been married. She did love her mother-in-law; but knew she would never understand her. She knew that Don and Jane now had two big, new, hurdles to overcome in their relationship: the truth about Don's paternity and the things Jane said to Meryl...AGAIN. In Meryl's mind all of Don's heart break for decades could have been avoided if only Don had been told the truth years ago. However, Meryl knew she couldn't change history and she couldn't fix things. All she could do was be there for Don, now. As much as Jane's revelation rocked his world, along with Meryl having to go to the hospital, she just prayed he would take it easy and not over do by trying to take care of her and make sure her blood pressure stayed down. After all, it was only a week ago that he almost died and had more surgeries; and he had been doing more than she thought he should be doing. Meryl threw on her robe and went to look for him. She might have to be careful regarding her blood pressure, but she'd be damned if she let something happen to Don, again.


Don was in the kitchen pouring some coffee with Louisa. "Dad, is Mom still asleep?"

"Yeah, she sure needs it." Don sighed thinking of the added stress his mother put on her; and then he went over and threw the flowers his mother sent his wife into the trash. He meant to do that much earlier.

Louisa was a little surprised her father threw the flowers in the trash; though she knew her grandmother upset her mother greatly and her father was furious. She knew it took a whole heck of a lot to get her father worked up; usually it was when someone threatened the happiness and well-being of her, her sisters, brother or mother. Judging by the things she heard his father say to her grandmother in the hall of the hospital the other morning, her grandmother had done just that. "You threw the flowers in the trash?"

"Yeah; none of us need reminders of what she did to you and your mother." Don was still upset.

Louisa was dishing eggs on the plate. "And to you? Daddy does this have to do with Grandfather? Is that why Grandmother was awful to all of us? Is it because Grandfather never really liked me or Mom or you for some weird reason? Dad, I'm an adult now; you and Mom don't need to try and protect me anymore. I think I proved 2 days ago how I can take care of, and stand up for, myself."

"Yes, you most certainly did and we are both very proud of you. You are our baby, we will always protect you; no matter how old you get. But, I also see and understand what you're saying. Listen, Lou." Don said as he went over and wrapped his arm around her. "Your grandpa James was a complicated man. I still don't understand. I don't understand his relationship with my mother. He did love you he just had a weird way of showing it. What happened two days ago with your grandmother was a long time coming and unfortunately you and your mother were caught in the middle. I am very sorry about that, you have no idea how sorry I am that it happened, but it won't happen again."

Louisa leaned her head on Don's shoulder. "I'm glad you're my Dad."

"You are one of the best surprises of our lives." Don said with a kiss to her head. "You complete our family. We love you so much. I'm glad you're my Lou Lou."


Meryl had been standing in the doorway for a long time, wiping her tears, neither her husband or daughter knowing she was there. She fell in love with her husband again in that moment. They had been parents together for over 30 years; but a day didn't go by that she wasn't grateful he was the father to their children. Her heart broke for their youngest child; knowing she didn't understand as Don and Meryl didn't understand everything themselves. As she watched the scene in front of her she couldn't help but think of a similar conversation they had with Louisa only 5 years earlier right after James died.

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