Chapter 7

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Meryl was sitting in the bathroom as her heart was breaking; the tears were flowing freely and she didn't even stop them. The past few days had been hell. From the time she found Don in his studio she had this awful feeling that she and the kids were going to lose him. Then he came through the hardest two surgeries fine. She felt like she was starting to regain her equilibrium and then what he said set her off. She knew he was struggling, she couldn't imagine how hard everything had been on him, she knew that he wanted the both of them to regain their lives, but to say that. She knew he would be upset but she never expected him to say THAT! Did he not KNOW how close to death he became? That she could be planning his funeral at the very moment, and she could be trying to figure out how to live her life without him? That would be a life she couldn't even contemplate.

She couldn't help but think about their conversation before the brain surgery; how he wanted to talk to Larry and make sure everything was in place in case he didn't make it, he wanted to make sure she and the children would be well taken care of. She then thought about what Jeff Larson said. She was tired of thinking of the possibility of him dying and here he threw it back in her face, again. She was pissed as hell at him, hurt, and she had finally reached her breaking point. She didn't care about movies or directors or awards or money; all she cared about at this point was her husband and family, they were all that mattered to her at this point. If Don thought she would be on the other side of the pond while he was recuperating and had more surgeries, then he was fucking crazy.


Don was laying in the bed as he heard his wife sobbing in the bathroom and felt like an idiot, he also felt like the biggest horses ass there was. He didn't know why he said that; he wasn't thinking. He didn't want her to put her life or career on hold because of him. He didn't want his health to tie her down or hold her back. He didn't want to become an obligation to her. He wanted her with him because she wanted to be. He didn't want her to feel like his nurse or that she had to take care of him. He knew through her acting she gave amazing gifts to the whole world and she didn't want her to put that on hold. It wasn't about the money, they didn't need the money. He knew how much the creative outlet meant to her and he didn't want her to miss out on that. He knew if there ever was a time when she should disappear into another person it would be now, after everything from the past several months. He knew it would be good for her, which is another reason why he didn't want her to change her plans. She had been amazing to him, loving, encouraging and supportive; all he wanted to do was give her the same things she had given him. He was trying to help her, and protect her in a way.

He never thought she would break down like she was in the bathroom as he was just trying to do what was best for her, or so he thought. As all these thoughts were going through his mind he then put himself in her shoes and knew if she had gone through even a fraction of what he had gone through then he would not leave her side for a minute, just like she had been doing. He also knew she had gone through complete hell, and throughout the day he had seen evidence that it was catching up with her and she was breaking down. He felt like a complete jerk when he heard her continue to cry from the damn bathroom. He knew she would have her phone in her pocket, she always had it but since he had been sick she had kept it on her except when it was charging because of the constant phone calls. Don dialed her number over and over and every time she would pick up and then hang up. On the 5th constant attempt he heard her yell. "I'm not going to answer; I'm not talking to you."

Don decided enough was enough, he wasn't going to allow his wife's heart to break anymore because of him. He unhooked his blood pressure cuff and oxygen and oxygen monitor, grabbed his IV pole, and made it over to the bathroom door. He couldn't believe how long it took and how tired it made him but he didn't care. He also couldn't get over how much pain he was in but he tried to breathe through; his wife was much more important than his pain. He knew the pain he was experiencing wasn't nearly as important as the pain he was causing her; at least to him in that moment. He took a deep breath as he proceeded to knock on the door. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I was an idiot, a complete horses ass, I wasn't thinking. I hate you are so upset please come and talk to me. The last thing in the world I want right now is for us to fight and you to be crying. I'm a jackass."

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