Chapter 43

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Don slowly stirred awake; disappointed when he realized his wife was no longer in his arms. He hoped her finally being home after months away wasn't a dream, but when he smelled her one-of-a-kind scent on her pillow when he turned over he knew indeed it wasn't a dream. He then found a note on her pillow:

Hey, sleepy head. I'm downstairs making dinner, call me on the line down there if you need help getting down the stairs. Xoxo, M

Don shook his head; she was so worried about him, he knew she never stopped especially after the last few months. He did NOT want them to be sleeping downstairs until he was recovered from his next surgery, so he was bound and determined to do the stairs. He knew if he let her help him down the stairs then that is exactly where they would be staying for the next few weeks. He carefully got up out of bed, grabbed the cane he wanted to get rid of so badly, and went downstairs to join his wife. He looked down at his watch, and couldn't believe he slept so long. Maybe now he was rested; he could fully enjoy his wife's first night home.


Don carefully made it down the stairs, which took him a lot longer than normal, and walked into the kitchen undetected. A huge smile came to his face as his heart fluttered as he leaned against the door frame and watched his wife; she was dancing around the kitchen, singing an old Wings song, wearing only one of his Colts long sleeved shirts and her black yoga pants and socks. This is what he missed so much in the past months-his wife's light, voice, and love filling their apartment. He stood there for quite a while as he watched her cook dinner, dancing around with the ingredients and singing. He was trying desperately not to laugh.

Love doesn't come in a minute

She sang into her spoon.

Sometimes it doesn't come at all

I only know that when I'm in it

It isn't silly, love isn't silly, love isn't silly

Don walked up behind her and sang at the top of his lungs...


Meryl jumped a mile high as she turned around. "DONALD GUMMER! How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to fall in love with you all over again." Don winked smartly, as he wrapped his hand that wasn't holding onto the cane around her waist and pulled her close.

Meryl kissed his hairy lips, and sighed contentedly. "I love you too, baby; but I really need to make dinner."

"No you don't. We have all night to eat supper. I've missed having you close like this." Don said pulling her closer. "Watching you gave me an irresistible urge to dance with you."

Meryl got a naughty smile on her face. He seemed to be doing better than when she first got home but she didn't want him to do anything that might cause him any more pain or complications. "Baby, I have a night of eating and relaxation planned for us; we don't have time to couch dance AGAIN."

"As wonderful as that sounds that's not what I was thinking." Don kissed her lips slowly. "I want to hold you and dance."

As wonderful as that sounded Meryl didn't want him to hurt himself; though her resolve was quickly disappearing. "I don't want to push you."

"I want to; I just wish I didn't have this fucking cane." Don sighed.

Meryl knew how much he hated that thing and let go of him long enough to change the song on their iPod they kept in the docking station in the kitchen; and she threw the cane to the floor. He was right. They had all night to rest and eat. This is what she missed so much lately, the spontanaiety, being held in his arms, her finally being able to hold him like this. Life was too short as they knew very well. She would be a fool to turn her handsome husband down. "I'll hold you up."

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