Chapter 30

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It was December 1986. Don was out in his Connecticut studio, which was just yards away from his and Meryl's new (to them) home. Don loved that he was so close to the family, yet far enough removed that he could get his work done. The kids knew the rule, if Daddy was in his studio he wasn't to be disturbed. However, the same rule didn't apply to Meryl, though she only went out there in emergencies. Don was trying to get caught up on some paperwork when his phone rang. "Hello?"

"Good, I caught you." Jane Gummer said on the other end.

Don nodded to himself as he continued on with his paperwork. He really wanted to get this done, so the family could decorate the Christmas tree that night. "Hey, Mom. What's up?"

"Well, I was hoping you and the family would come for Christmas. I've barely spent any time with my namesake." Jane said.

Don couldn't help but laugh on the inside. He and Meryl couldn't bring themselves to tell her that Grace was named after their old Toyota she was born in. "You're welcome here anytime."

"You haven't been home for Christmas since..." Jane didn't get to finish her sentence.

Don didn't need her to tell him when. "When Meryl was pregnant with Mamie, and Dad started in on us, calling my wife a whore and spit on me? Then we thought we lost Mamie. Yeah Mom, I remember; believe me, I remember. It was a miracle we went out there in the first place considering what he's done to my wife and son."

"Don honey, please." Jane begged.

Don hated that by protecting his family, which he would do at all costs, that it also meant keeping his mother away. However, his mother could be nasty to Meryl as well. "Mom, you are welcome here ANYTIME you know that. You know Meryl and I would love for you to visit whenever you want. You also know my rule that you must treat my wife with respect."

"But not your father." Jane whispered.

Don threw down his pen, frustrated. "No, Mom, NOT him. You know how I feel, you know my rules. I am sorry it hurts you, but I just ask that you respect not only me but also my wife, our children and our lives. This is what's best for us. Meryl and I want to spend Christmas here at our own house. We want the kids to wake up on Christmas morning in their own beds. We want to start our own traditions."

"So, it's just going to be the 5 of you?" Jane asked.

Don shook his head. "No, Harry and Mary will stay with us. Then Third, Dana and their families will be coming over."

"So, it's just your family that's not invited?" Jane asked.

Don ran his hands through his hair. "I HAVE invited you, Mom, but just you. I really am not trying to hurt you; my family has been hurt too much by him. Hell, I almost lost my wife and son because of him; I was shot and almost died because of him. He has gone too far. I HAVE to keep them safe."

"I understand." And she did, even though she was hurting.

Don hated this. "Mom, come out for Christmas. Or if you don't want to do that, come out before or after. I'll buy you a ticket."

"Don, it's not about the money." Jane said, thinking he should know that. "I just can't leave."

Don sighed. "You're making your own decisions as well and I respect that."

"I guess I respect yours." Jane sighed.

Don nodded. "I need to get back to work, Ma. Talk soon?"

"Of course. Give my love to Meryl and the kids; I love you, Donny Boy." Jane choked.

Don didn't doubt that. "I love you too, Ma, bye."

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