Chapter 13

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Meryl was sitting in a chair next to Don's bedside, holding his hand, and waiting for him to wake up...again. Waiting for the ventilator to be removed...again. Waiting to see if there was any damage...again. Waiting to see his beautiful blue eyes and gorgeous smile...again.Waiting to hear the voice she loved so much...again. The doctor had told her Don had done incredibly well considering the shape he was in when she called the ambulance. They reduced the swelling in his brain and on his spine. They needed to watch him extremely closely, but there was no reason why he wouldn't make a complete recovery. He also had an infection and he was on antibiotics. He was on a ventilator again, but there was no reason he wouldn't breathe on his own; they simply wanted to give his body time to heal and rest as much as possible. They were hopeful that by evening he would be off the ventilator. There was less likelihood of paralysis and cognitive complications with this kind of surgery, but as they just experienced, anything was possible, and they had to wait.

Meryl had called Don's mother and updated her; promising to keep her updated as much as possible. Jane wasn't happy with Meryl that she took so long to call but Meryl couldn't worry about that. She didn't have much to report; and she was too preoccupied making sure her husband was okay. She also knew that if her husband knew some of the things his mother said to her he would be furious; but she would deal with anything for him. She also called the kids. All of who wanted to come home but she told them there was nothing they could do and she would update them continuously. She told them she knew that Don would want them to go ahead with their plans. Mamie took it worst of all, which she was afraid would happen. It took both Meryl and Ben to calm her down. Meryl finally ended the call when Ben had said she fell asleep crying. Meryl wanted to save Mamie from any undue stress and worry because of her pregnancy, but knew she couldn't keep this from her. Once Don was settled in his private ICU room, Dana had to get home but told Meryl to call if she needed ANYTHING and he would check in later. He also promised to call Third who was on holiday with Maeve and the kids. Meryl was left alone with her thoughts, again. The only sound in the room besides her occasional sniffles  was the sound of the machines regulating Don's breathing and vitals. Every time she felt alone or overwhelmed she held Don's hand and knew she wasn't. She knew she had to be strong for him, for their children, for them; but it was becoming harder and harder to do. He just looked so pale and withdrawn. He looked so thin and frail to her; this wasn't her husband. Her husband was muscular, strong, larger than life. She promised she would help him be that way again. No one really heard the promise she made, but she did. She knew. She would make sure it happened.


Meryl didn't realize it, but she must have fallen asleep in the chair while holding Don's hand. She was awoken by the ringing of her phone. When she looked at the display she saw it was Diane's husband, Tom. She felt bad for not calling them when Don was in surgery. But she hadn't called any of their friends, only immediate family; and that wasn't until after he was in recovery and even then it was only family. She was too distraught to call anyone except for her brother. She hadn't even called Larry, Don's best friend since childhood. "Tom?"

"Hey, M." Tom sounded like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders; which is exactly how she was feeling. "I'm sorry to bother you, I know Don is recuperating."

Meryl looked at her husband who was still fighting for his life and sighed. That was an understatement. "Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not. I don't know how to tell you this." Tom choked; he dreaded making this call to his wife's best friend after everything she had been going through as of late.

Meryl knew this wasn't good. She wasn't sure how much more she could take. "Tell me what? What's going on?"

"It's Diane...she...she died, Meryl." Tom cried.

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