Chapter 33

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"How's that?" Meryl asked fluffing Don's pillows as they were waiting for his surgery. She had been fussing over him since he was admitted for surgery.

Don tried not to laugh at her; especially after her dream the night before. He knew she had been through hell. He also knew that when she felt out of control she tried to seek control. He was just glad she was seeking out control in this way; and not by her eating like she had been known to do. While it was just a knee replacement surgery, he knew anything could go wrong, especially after his past surgeries. "Darl, I'm fine, really."

"Your hands are cold. Are you cold? You are usually the one to warm my hands up with yours. Let me get you a warm blanket." Meryl said as she rushed out of the room to get him a warm blanket from a nurse.

Don sighed as he leaned back against his freshly fluffed pillows. His wife was making herself crazy and he understood why, he just wished there was something he could say or do to calm her down. He knew that if half the things that happened to him had happen to her then he would be just the same. Don began to speak as she came back in his room. "Babe..."

"Here, nice and warm fresh from the warmer, it's pretty gross outside but you'll be warm and cozy in here." Meryl said spreading the blanket across him. "How's that? Can I get you anything else?"

Don cupped his hand behind her neck and pulled her down for a long kiss. "For you to stop worrying."

"I'm driving you crazy?" Meryl asked as she sat down next to him and held his hand tightly in hers.

Don used his free hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. "No, not crazy; I just wish I could promise you everything will be alright; but I can't be 100% sure. Though I know in my heart that everything will be fine."

"I'm going to try to believe you." Meryl choked as a nurse came in as Don reached out to wipe away her tears.

The nurse was looking in her chart and walked over to Don's IV and inserted something from a syringe. "There you go; you should be taken to surgery pretty soon."

"You didn't check his wrist band." Meryl got up as she went over to the nurse. "You're supposed to check his medication allergies before you put anything into his bloodstream. The yellow wristband. You didn't check his wristband."

Don sighed; knowing that the moments he flat lined would always be with her. "Babe, I'm sure she knows what to give me."

"And what not to." The nurse said. "Don't worry Ma'am, I have it all written in my chart, and we know what happened last time. It won't happen again, I promise."

Meryl sighed as she sat next to him after the nurse left the room. "I guess I'm going to be known as the bitchy wife."

"Hey, you're just looking out for me, and I love you for it. No one looks after me better than you do." Don said stroking her cheek. "I don't want you to get all worked up; it's not good for you. Do you want to take a break or something? Go get some coffee or water? Just because I can't have my morning pot of coffee doesn't mean you can't."

Meryl shook her head vehemently. "Of course not, you know I'm not leaving your side. And before you begin to argue with me, you would, and have done the same thing many, many times."


It was an early November afternoon in 1986, and Don was done in the studio and went back to their house. He was surprised that Meryl wasn't home yet; he wanted to find out how her 6 month post-partum visit went. He figured she would have come home for the girls' afternoon naps before going to pick up Henry from school. He was also a little surprised she hadn't called, but assumed she had been busy. Her mother came to town to do some shopping with her, and offered to go to the doctors with her to help watch the girls so Don didn't have to worry about it; even though he didn't mind in the slightest. He knew it was also just an excuse for some mother/daughter/grandmother time. Don was brought out of his thoughts when the phone rang as he walked into the kitchen. "Gummers."

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