Chapter 17

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 Meryl woke up in the middle of the night after an awful dream that something had happened to Don; actually it was a nightmare of what actually happened earlier in the day which was a real life nightmare. She immediately breathed a sigh of relief when she found he was fine and sleeping away peacefully beside her in his hospital bed, still holding her. It was an awful, awful dream. Meryl tenderly kissed his sleeping face which earned her a happy moan and smile from him. It made her smile how they were so connected to the other, even in their sleep. Her mind and heart were both still racing and so she decided to turn on the TV for awhile, happy it didn't wake him, which she knew he wouldn't. He was on way too much medicine, and had gone through too much to be awaken by the television turning on. Meryl stopped when she crossed a channel that was playing one of her first movies, the one that won her her first Oscar-Kramer vs. Kramer. She usually didn't watch her movies but she was transported back to the day that particular scene she was watching was filmed...the courtroom scene. As she thought about that day of filming she turned the channel and began thinking of how Don always protected her. Now it was her turn, she was going to protect him in the hospital, and out, at all costs.


Meryl woke up in a start. It was a bad dream, well actually, it was a bad memory, John's death. She wasn't exactly surprised that she dreamed about it since it was the morning of his birthday. Meryl needed to feel safe. She needed to feel loved. She reached out her hand to snuggle up to Don, needing to feel his warmth only to find a cold and empty space in his absence. She looked at the clock and it was only 7am. She had no idea where he was. She looked around the apartment; no note or anything. His keys and wallet were gone. Great. She needed to feel her husband and he was probably at the fucking studio. She got up and showered and got ready to go to the set of Kramer vs. Kramer. She was in a bad mood. She was emotional. She felt empty; the one person who had walked with her through everything wasn't there. Plus, she was 6 months pregnant in the heat of the summer in New York. All in all it was not a good combination.


Meryl was getting ready to leave her trailer after getting dressed and in hair and make-up. The ringing of the phone in her trailer stopped her. She was having an awful day and she didn't want to deal with anyone. "Hello?" She snapped.

"Hey baby, why did you leave so early this morning?" Don asked after he looked over their entire apartment; noticing her keys and purse were gone.

Meryl's blood pressure went through the roof. "Why did I leave?! Where the fuck were you this morning? I woke up needing to be held by you and you weren't anywhere to be found. No note. No nothing. I needed my husband this morning because...never mind you don't know what today is; I thought you would understand but now I know you don't, you wouldn't."

"Baby, of course I know what today is and I know how you're feeling down and upset." Don tried to soothe.

Tears sprang to Meryl's eyes. "How can you possibly even begin to comprehend how I'M feeling? No one can. So don't even pretend to. I needed you to do one thing today and you couldn't even do that."

"Sweetheart, I-" Don was cut off; he had never heard her like this before.

Meryl didn't want to hear it. "I have to go."

"When will you be home?" Don asked concerned about his wife and her emotional state; as well as for their baby.

Meryl rolled her eyes. "You leave our bed early in the morning without telling me, why should I tell you when I'll be home?"

Don was stunned as he heard the dial tone after his wife hung up on him. He was shocked. He knew today would be hard. He knew she was emotional already due to her pregnancy, but he sure as hell wasn't expecting THAT. He just wanted to do something nice and thoughtful for her because he knew how hard the day would be for her. Well, that failed, and he was left with his questions and a bruised ego to go along with his bruised heart.

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