Chapter 22

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While Don took a nap, Meryl decided to do some much needed housecleaning. She knew that she should be resting and that her husband probably wouldn't be happy with her, but the apartment was driving her crazy and she knew she would feel better once she dusted and straightened up. Nothing deep, just something to make her feel better until the house cleaner came. It always made her better to clean and organize when things seemed out of control. She once tried to control things through not eating, which she learned was a dangerous road to travel down, so now she cleaned. While Meryl was dusting the pictures on the sideboard in the living room a certain picture transported her back to 27 years ago, right after they brought Mamie home from the hospital.


Don smiled as he walked into their bedroom and saw Meryl nursing their 2 week old baby girl Mamie, who they only got to bring home from the hospital the day before. He never got tired of watching her nurse their babies; and he knew how much it meant to her that he wanted to be a part of that bonding time as well. It meant a lot to him, too, however he knew he couldn't in that moment. "There's my girls. Will you be okay if I go out for a little bit?"

"Yeah, sure." Meryl replied somewhat surprised. He had planned on working from the apartment for awhile until they got a routine down with Mamie. "Everything okay?"

Don shrugged as he knelt down in front of her. "I don't know, I think so. Larry just called and asked me to come to his office, and that he needed to talk to me about something."

"Playing marriage counselor again?" Meryl asked referring to the two of them both playing marriage counselors to Third and Maeve the night before.

Don laughed as he kissed his baby's head. "I don't think so. Do you need me to get anything while I'm out?"

"No, I don't think so." Meryl smiled. "I thought we could take Mamie for a walk this afternoon and all of us could pick up Henry from pre-school."

Don smiled at her. "Sounds good to me."

"See you when you get back; love you." Meryl said pressing her lips to his.

Don deepened the kiss for a minute and then placed a kiss on their baby daughter's head. "Love you too, both of you."


Don was sitting across his best friend's desk becoming more and more nervous by the second. "Larry, you're scaring me. You're being all serious and official. You keep pulling out papers. I guess this isn't a friendly catch up session?"

"I'm not exactly sure how to tell you this, Don." Larry sighed. To say he was dreading this conversation would be a huge understatement. He knew this would tear Don apart; it was already tearing him and his father, Mike, apart.

Don raised his eyebrow. "Just tell me, it can't be that bad."

"You're not married." Larry said quickly, thinking it was just like ripping off a Band-Aid-best to do it fast.

Don threw back his head and laughed. "Yeah right. I'm as married as they come. We even renewed our vows 3 years ago."

"Don, I'm being serious, you and Meryl aren't legally married." Larry sighed, this was bad, this was really bad. He was there when Don married Peggy, and he was there when Don married Meryl. The marriage to Peggy was only because Don was trying to prove that he wasn't the monster people claimed he was. He didn't love her. The marriage to Meryl was so much different. Larry saw his childhood best friend come alive when he met and married Meryl. He didn't know what it would do to his best friend if this fucking screw up damaged his marriage.

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