Chapter 12

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It was the day after Christmas, and all of the kids had gone back to their lives. Henry had gone back to California now that he knew his father would be okay. Ben and Mamie had planned on taking a small vacation and at her parents' urging continued with their plans. Grace and Louisa also planned on taking a vacation together, and their parents insisted. As much as they all loved being together, they knew there was nothing more they could do for their father, and what he really needed the most was rest, something Meryl was intent on giving him. Don also made it clear that the last thing he wanted was for any of them to change their plans. They were all there for him when he needed them now he wanted everyone to resume with their plans. However, Meryl told him that he wasn't going to get rid of her that easily; and he made it clear to her that he had no intention of doing that. She teased him saying he was a part of every one of her plans for the next six weeks, until she had to go to London.


Meryl and Don had breakfast together that morning, and while he slept after breakfast, Meryl took a shower and got herself ready for the day. She busied herself with chores around the apartment while checking on her husband frequently. She was so grateful that he seemed to be doing alright, but she knew that could change in a heartbeat. She made Don keep his phone on him at all times, and she kept her phone on her constantly. She even took it into the bathroom with her. She told him that at the first sign that he was feeling differently, or that something was up, that he must call her immediately. 

Their apartment was huge, and she didn't want him to worry about trying to  find her in the apartment, or calling out for her. Don felt like she might be overacting a little bit, but he kept his thoughts to himself. He knew how worried and concerned she had been about him, and if it made her feel better and calmer then he would do it. He now knew just how much she had gone through, and how much she had been hurting. His heart physically ached when he heard her conversation with Henry and the anguish in her voice. He decided he would do whatever he could to keep her happy and calm.


Meryl had just finished folding laundry and was about to go check on her husband, again, when the apartment phone rang. She quickly answered for fear that it might wake up her husband. "Hello?"

"Hey, M. How are ya?" Diane asked.

Meryl smiled at the sound of her best friend's voice. She had been meaning to call her, but things had been so busy. "Hi darling, I'm exhausted."

"I bet you are." Diane laughed as she had tried to keep in contact with her best friend as much as possible over the past week. "How is he?"

Meryl sat down on the bar stool in the kitchen. "He's doing okay. I guess the girls called you like I asked when he was released?"

"Yeah, yesterday afternoon. Tom and I were so happy to hear the news." Diane said. Both she and her husband Tom had been devastated by the news of all of Don's medical problems. They were so relieved when it sounded like he would be fine.

Meryl smiled. She and Diane had been best friends since college, they were even roommates for several years. Then when they both married their soul mates, the two families would vacation and spend holidays together.  "I'm sorry I have been so bad about calling. Thank you for all your calls and text messages; I cant begin to tell you how much Don and I both appreciated them."

"Mer, you have been a little busy. I know that. I appreciate all the updates from you and the kids. I'm sorry we haven't been there. But we have been thinking about you all constantly." Diane said.

Meryl knew they were in Canada on holiday. "We felt your love and well wishes, thank you."

"So, fill me in." Diane said.

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