Chapter 17: Remembering

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Your POV

Tapping a pen to your lips your eyes scanned over the pages of possible solutions, you didn't have much time to do your personal research so you always had to be quick in reading and taking your notes. Over the last year you had found several methods to kill supernatural beings that might work against you.

There were the obvious sliver blades, you knew poisons didn't work but were willing to try several together. But you wouldn't try starvation as you'd quickly learned from your research that it didn't kill any supernatural being.

But there was one thing that had caught your attention today. It was a poison called Obsidian Elixir.

"Maybe this one will work..." you mumbled to yourself making a note, circling the word with many question marks.

You were willing to try anything at this point. You had messed up the lives of so many people that the guilt was unbearable, however you would never have thought in a thousand years that you would consider taking your own life.

But you couldn't see any other way out of this. By now you were sick of hiding and the useless research, and... you wanted to see your mum and dad again. In your mind everyone would win, you'd finally get to see them again, and the Hunter Society would no longer have to bother with you.

The only person you would regret leaving behind is-

*Knock!* *Knock!*

Throwing your notebook back into the draw you slammed your draw shut facing the door as it opened. However you had expected Cream or Amy to poke their head around the door, not Tails.

"Hi (Y/N), how are you?" he asked with a smile.

"Uh I-I'm fine, w-what are you doing here?" you stuttered slightly.

This, like Sally, was the first time you had seen Tails for a whole year.

"Sally asked me and Sonic to fill in Shadow's place whilst he's on his mission, Sonic upstairs catching up with Chuck." Tails explained.

"Catching up?" you questioned.

"Chuck is Sonic's uncle, he loves nay excuse to see him again." Tails said with a small smile.

That was a first time you'd ever seen Tails have a trace of happiness in his expression, as when you first met him it was just after Cosmo's murder. He'd been at the funeral but even now you'd never gotten the chance to ask him what his connection to Cosmo was.

"I just came in to let you know that we're here, give a shout if you need anything." he said heading out the door.

"U-um! Tails?" you called timidly after him.

"Yeah?" he asked turning back.

You hesitated for a second wondering if you should even say anything, after all you didn't want to open up old wounds. But you could still see the dark marks under his eyes which still looked just as lifeless. And at that point you knew he had barely forgotten her at all.

"A-a year ago... At Cosmo's funeral... I s-saw you there, and I've been wondering since then what connection you had to her, as she was my best friend growing up in the orphanage..." you trialed off only being able to face the floor.

A screaming silence fell.

Rubbing your arm already regretting even saying anything you dared to look up and saw Tails eyes watering. He allowed a single teal roll down his cheek.

"I loved her...." he spoke in a choked voice.

At those simple three words it suddenly all came rushing back to you, 2 years ago when Cosmo was still alive....

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