Chapter 23: Reunited

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Your POV

A strong sense of dejavu was overcoming you as you sat on lush bed sheets picking at a loose thread as entertainment, just over a year ago you had been in exactly the same predicament. Sat in a extravagant bedroom in a Hunter Society HQ, scared as to what would happen next, the scary vampires and monsters still after you.

And just like last time you had been urged to rest, as after telling sister Joyce how you had been held captive with inhibitor chains and reciting a spell she said you would most likely feel tired soon, despite you having just healed. But she said she would be back in a few minutes to give you something, which sparked your curiosity.

But your mind was racing with everything that had taken place. It was only now that evening was gradually starting to fall. Glancing at your mothers spell book which was rested on the bed side table, your ears dropped. You knew all the answers, and you were finally able to piece together as to why your parents had picked to raise you in such a secluded forest, it was to protect you. From mobains like Mephiles.

But unfortunately it hadn't been enough.

However now an entirely new panic was poisoning your mind, originating from Mephiles' words.

"Once you have served your purpose I'll dispose of you."

He knew of a way to kill you, a year ago you would have given a limb to learn of such a method, but now it terrified you to the core.

"You see killing yourself as a solution!?"

Shadow's words rang in your head. No, no I don't see it as a solution, not any more. But you didn't see it as a solution anymore because of Shadow. Being immortal the same as him now, you wanted nothing more than to spend that endless time with him. But he wasn't here...

*Knock!* *Knock!*

Eyes darting to the door your heart grew hopeful that it would miraculously be Shadow at the door, just like a year ago. The door opened however and in stepped sister Joyce with a sympethitc smile.

"How are you?" she asked you.

"I've been better." you replied truthfully. You then remembered that she had said she had wanted to give you something.

"Yes, well, I suppose there's only so brilliant you could feel at the current moment." she then held out a small rectangular parcel wrapped in brown paper tied in place with grubby white string. Taking it the package was slightly heavier than you expected.

"Your mother left this to me so that I could one day give it to you. I see now as better a time as any."

Confused and wondering exactly what relationship Joyce had had with your mother, you wanted to ask her. But she simply stood up with a smile.

"Now I must urge you to get some rest, inhibitor restraints have effects that last several hours later and a witches first spell is incredibly draining." She said in a mother like tone "and I know you must have many questions concerning your parents but I was assured that this package would inform you of everything you need to know."

You gave a nod in understanding before she left. Not a moment after the door had clicked shit you tore away the paper cursing at the tightly knotted string. Tossing the wrapping a side you held a pristine black leather book, looking at it from all angles the only decoration was your initials embroider into the bottom of the spine in golden thread.

Opening the book your eyes widened at the contents. Spells, potion recipes and illustrations of powerful talismans. It was literally a guide to being a witch, all the words were written in elegant Roman text and hand written. It would have taken a great deal of time to illustrate and write such a book, each page delicately being done by hand.

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