Chapter 7 : At First Day's Light

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Just wanted to say a late Merry Christmas, I hope you all had a good day and continue to enjoy the rest of the holidays.

Your PoV

"How's it going?"

From the sight of the elegant text of the book in front of you without looking up you could tell it was Amy who had just came in the room.

"Not great, will still don't have anything and were running out of time." Sally said with regret.

It was 1am, you were tired, irritated and racing against the clock. You had only until dawn to find a solution to resolving the order, and present it to to the court of the hunter society. The reason being that by the time the next night was upon you the entire vampire society would know that you were no longer protected. And it would be impossible to reinstate the order.

So basically tonight was make it or break it for you.

"We have to keep tryin." Bunny said.

"Here I'll give you a hand." Amy said picking up a scroll and starting to scan it.

"How's Sonic and the others?" Sally asked.

"There fine, they ran into Drago and Sleuth but it would have been more trouble than it was worth to bring them in. And Shadow's patrolling the grounds." Amy said.

You continued to read the page of the book that's pages were falling apart as you listened, but you couldn't help but wonder who was Shadow? Was that the name of the black hedgehog? Nether the less you returned your concentration to the words in front of you.

Mythical creatures are the very life blood of our land...

The Vampire is by far the most feared...

The Magical Creature protection act of 1833...

"H-hey I think I've got something." You said in a tired voice.

"What is it?" Amy asked leaning over to see the book.

You began to read out the passage which just may be the answer to your problem.

"For centuries these magical creatures roamed Mobias constantly in fear of being slain or attacked by Mobian hunters. That was until the Magical Creature protection act of 1833 million was passed ensuring the protection of magical creatures, and the prosecution of many savage hunters." You read.

"Hm that could work!" Amy said.

"But your not a magical creature." Sally argued.

"Hang on Hun, have a read o this." Bunny said.

She then put a thick looking dictionary on the desk with a loud, thump!

"Read here." Bunny said pointing at a definition on the page with her metallic hand.

Magical Creature - a being, spirit or creature that holds magical abilities or powers that may be coveted by others.

"That could work." Sally said.

"It's obvious that I'm coveted for some reason and it must be to give others power, so you could argue that I'm a magical being. Plus I think my Grandmother was into herbal healing." you said.

"Is the court in session?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, there already waitin." Bunny said.

"Good then we have enough time. Dawn is at 6:30 am so we have five and a half hours to plead our case that should be long enough to argue our solution." Sally said.

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