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IMAGINE: You come in the house and see Criss getting Johnny ready for bed. "I made it just in time"you stated as Johnny comes running to you asking for a hug. You pick him up and hug him while smothering him with kisses which makes him laugh. "Why am I left out for?" Criss asked. You walk over and put Johnny down while you kiss Criss which makes Johnny chuckle. "Come on buddy time for bed". "Read story" he asked.

Criss was about to say something when a knock came to the door. "You pick out a book and I'll read it while daddy gets the door". Criss leaves the room as Johnny picks out a book. When he picks the book you tuck him in and start reading it to him until Criss calls you out to the hall for a minute. "I'll be right back" and put the book down. When you come out Criss is sitting on the couch a little annoyed. "What's wrong?". "Shaunyl wants sole custody of Johnny saying I'm not a good father to him".

"What does she mean about that?" You ask. All of a sudden Johnny comes out with the book in his hand. "I'm sorry sweetie I'll be right in to finish the book" you replied. "All done"he remarked smiling. "What do you mean Johnny?" walking over. "I red book to self". "You read that book to yourself Johnny?"Criss asked. He nodded smiling. You walk over and took out a book you were reading. "Johnny read those four words for me". "MY LUCKY HAWAIIAN SHIRT" he read. "Johnny why don't you get into bed we'll be right there to tuck you in" Criss remarked. "OK" and went back into his room. "Criss Johnny could be a genius if he's reading like that".

Criss said nothing and went to put Johnny to bed. The next day you're having breakfast with Lynn. "You serious he read four word from a book you're reading". "Yea maybe he's a genius like those people from that show SCORPION" you suggested. "I guess Criss isn't happy with that"she stated "What do you mean?". "You don't know Criss has a hi IQ he could of been a doctor or a scientist". "Why didn't he use his genius instead of becoming a magician?"you asked. "From what I was told Dimitra could tell Criss wasn't happy he loved being an illusionist but John wanted to Criss to use his gift.

Dimitra showed John how un happy his son was so they decided to let Criss decided what he want and you know what he picked". "Maybe that why Shaunyl wants sole custody of Johnny she thinks the same way Criss's father wanted but Criss wants Johnny to be a normal child until there's proof he really is gifted"you think. "You maybe on the right track ". A few days passed and Criss was working on something when you walked in. "Hey sweetie" giving him a kiss. "Where's Johnny?".

"With Lynn listen I know your secret and why you're apprehensive about this custody thing with Shaunyl" you said. "Who told you?". "Lynn but I talked to Shaunyl when she called and I told her that it's probably a little early in Johnny's life to label him gifted a lot of kids know how to read at young ages I was four when I read THE VELVETEEN RABBIT by myself don't worry until it's time to".

Criss gets up and gives you a kiss. "Thanks sweetie". "Since you're not busy and Lynn has Johnny maybe we can have a little fun in your dressing room". "It doesn't take a smart person to know what you want all right come on before Lynn finds us" and they ran to the dressing room.

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