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IMAGINE: Megan's diner has been closed for a few minutes and she's going over the books when a knock comes to the door. Megan look up and see Criss Angel with his son knocking at the door. She gets up and open the door as they walk in. Criss looks a tad embarrassed about what he had to ask. "What's up Angel?".

"I'm a little embarrassed to ask you this but can I use one of your big sinks Johnny had an accident and I need to wash him off before I take him to his mom". "Me made no no in my pants" Johnny replied. "Let me see if my staff has finished in there". She comes back and tells him everyone was gone so he could come to the back. They both came to the back and Megan has the sink water going. "Thanks for this" he remarked.

"No problem I have some shampoo in my office I went shopping for some stuff"she said. "Why not better than what he smells like right now" Criss replied. "Why don't you strip him down and I'll get the stuff". As she goes into the office she hears Criss coughing a little. "I have to talk to your mother about your diet buddy"he stated. She bring out some towels and the shampoo.

"And up we go"Criss remarked putting Johnny in the sink. "So how's Johnny doing cancer wise?"she asked. "Good so far so good" as Johnny splash some water at his father. "Be good Johnny or someone won't get a cookie" she said as Johnny smile. "You always have a way with Johnny" Criss replied. As Criss put some of the shampoo on Johnny he took a whiff of it. "Coconut I love that smell" Criss stated. "Me like too"Johnny added. "Criss one question do you have any clothes for him to change into?"you ask. "Carp I left his suitcase in my car"he replied. "Me go bare?"he asked. 

"I'd be arrest for that buddy and your mother wouldn't let you come see me" Criss replied.  "Hold on" and leaves. She come out with an outfit and some big boy pants for Johnny. "There we go I had to pick up some clothes for my son too". "Thanks you think of everything" Criss replied. After Criss dried him off and got him dressed he offers to help Megan clean up. "All right but let me get a cookie for this little guy". She go into the walk in refrig and bring out a cookie than warm it up for him. "And a little almond milk with a straw here you go Johnny". "What do you say Johnny?"Criss asked. "Thank you"he replied.

After you and Criss clean up and Criss packs up the dirty clothes he thanks you again and him and Johnny leave. The next day as you're about to open Criss walks in with a gift. "Hey Criss what's you got there?". "It's for helping me out last night" giving it to her as a man walks in. "Hey Christopher how are you?" shaking his hand. "Hey Dave running the staff down to the bone" as he snickered.

"I know you have experience working in a diner I may have to put you to work instead of doing magic man" as Criss smiled. Megan opened the box and it was an invitation to spend a few days at his house. "Criss are you serious?". "Yes you, Dave and Sam can spend a few days at my house when I go to Mexico think of it as a home away from home vacation". They gave Criss a hug and thanked him for the invite.

"You're welcome and Dave in a few days make your fabulous meatloaf my mom loves it"Criss remarked. "I will just tell me when she's coming and I'll make it"he stated. "And Megan Johnny wanted me to tell you he loved that cookie you gave him". "Sam loves that cookie too and the next day he comes to town I'll make you some to give to him"she said. Criss said goodbye and left.

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