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IMAGINE: Your seventeen year old sister is staying with you and Criss while your parents are on a second honeymoon. Your little sister is a pain in the ass and won't listen to you or Criss. "I swear your sister is making me want to go get my tubes tied" Criss remarked. "Let's just say this maybe a premonition of Johnny when he's seventeen"you replied. "If it is I'll let Shaunyl handle this I have to get going I'll see you later" and Criss left. The next day you're working with Criss when Doug comes in. "What's up Doug?"Criss said. "Y/N I've coming bearing bad news your sister is being detained for shoplifting".

"Which store?". "They didn't say they want to talk to you". "Allright" and left. When you got down there your sister was sitting there looking around. "What store and what did she steal?" you asked. "She shoplifted from the Mindfreak store" showing her what she took. You feel like taking your little sister to the desert and burying her in unmarked grave but your parents would get suspicious of her whereabouts. "Let me talk to her" and went in. When you came in she actted all innocent. "Leave it outside I saw all the stuff you stole god what is wrong with you eversince you arrived you have done a one eighty in attitude." "Weren't you have rebellious?".

"I was until I grew up listen to me if you keep this up I will tell mom and dad how you actted here. They may even send you to that school they sent cousin Ralph a few years ago" you remarked. "You wouldn't?". "Only if you apologize to Criss for your attitude since you've been a guest in his home". "Done and done". "And tomorrow you will offer to watch Johnny while me and Criss go out for dinner". "Noway am I watching that kid" folding her arms. "Have fun explaining to mom and dad why you got arrested". "All right I'll watch Johnny" raising her hands. "This is a one time only if you get caught again you're on your own got it. No help from me or Criss".

"Yes" and you left. When you got back Criss asked if you left her down there. "I got her out on certain conditions and if she does it again she's on her own" you replied. "So what are the terms warden" Criss inquired. "She apologizes to you for her attitude and her actions in your home and tomorrow she is going to watch Johnny while you and I go out to dinner" smiling. "Are you sure about this I don't want Johnny ended up on a milk carton" Criss remarked. "If she doesn't want my parents to know she got caught shop lifting she will". "I'm curious what did you tell them to get your sister off the hook" Criss asked. "I told them she has kleptomania so she can't help herself and that I'd keep a better eye on her". Criss started to chuckle. "You're better at BSing than a conman" Criss replied as you smile.

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