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IMAGINE: Criss is finishing up a few things when you and Johnny walk in hand and hand

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IMAGINE: Criss is finishing up a few things when you and Johnny walk in hand and hand.  "Hey Criss how you doing?" you ask as Johnny sits down on the couch.  "You guys are early I'm almost done than we'll go out to dinner and maybe see a movie later"Criss suggested.  You turn to Johnny who's fidgeting on the couch.  "Johnny what's wrong do you need to use the bathroom?" you asked.  "Itchy"he replied. 

Criss gets up and sit next to his son and looks at his back.  "He's got a rash on his back"Criss remarked.  You look at his arms too.  "He has a rash on his arms too and it's spreading to his neck too".  "It looks like we're heading to the hospital buddy to find out why you're so itchy"Criss remarked.  At the hospital the doctor is checking over Johnny while Criss is on the phone with his mother.  

You walk over as he hangs up.  "They gave Johnny some Benadryl to calm the itch what does Shaunyl have to say"you ask.  "He's only allergic to blueberries that's about it.  She wonders if maybe he had a reaction to some new medicine the doctor prescribed him"he replied.  "The doctor wants to speak to you".  You walk back to the bed where Johnny is asleep.  "I guess the medicine they gave him knocked him out"you said as the doctor walked over.  "We ran some test on your son and it seems he came into contact with some poison oak and poison ivy". 

"I wonder how I had them cut down some of those bushes and their roots a few days ago" Criss remarked.  "Criss didn't Chicklet and Teddy get lose yesterday I saw Johnny playing with them today.  Maybe they ran into some poison Ivy and Oak when they got lose".  "The oils from those plants do stick to animal hair until the dogs are washed" the doctor stated.  "Maybe you're right Y/N I'll give JD a call and ask him to get the dogs washed before I bring Johnny home" Criss replied. 

"And I'll wash Johnny's bed sheets just in case" you added.  "We're going to keep Johnny here for observation for a little bit so why don't go to that and we'll call you when he's ready to go home".  "Doc just make sure someone is nearby like a nurse he gets nervous in hospitals" Criss asked.  "Sure" and you guys leave. 

When Johnny finally got home Johnny wanted to play with the dogs.  "They're at the groomers right now buddy but since we couldn't go out to dinner I made your favorite meal and it's outside with Daddy" you stated.  You both walk outside to see Criss sitting at the picnic table with spaghetti and meatballs.

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