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IMAGINE: Carmen's making dinner for herself since her plan on seeing a movie with her boyfriend fell through when the phone rings. "Hello". "Carmen it's Dimitra is your father home I blew a fuse and I can't figure out how to change it" she remarked confused. "Calm down Dimitra take a breath. Look my parents went to go see a movie why don't you come over and wait with me I'm making dinner for myself"she offered. "I don't want to inconvenience you"Dimitra remarked. "Would you rather sit in the dark and freeze?". "You've got me there do you mind just coming over and help me" she remarked. "No problem let me turn off the stove before I burn the house down and I'll be right over" and hung up.

She walked next door and knocked on the door and a little boy answered who is cute as a button. "And who are you cutie pie". "I see you've met my grandson Johnny he and I were going to meet his father in Las Vegas but this unexpected snow storm kind of put the kibosh on it" she called out. "Do you want to come to my house for some chicken fingers and a movie" she say as Johnny smiled.

"Go grab your coat sweetie" and Johnny went to get it. "I got to say Dimitra he's going to have girls at his feet when he hits thirteen " as she came in. "He got his father's look I'll give you that". Johnny came back with his coat on and you zipper it for him. "So you don't get cold". She help Dimitra over while Johnny held on to his grandmother's hand. Carmen helps Dimitra to the couch and put a pillow under her ankle. "Thank you sweetie" as she take their coats. "Would you like a cup of tea Dimitra before dinner". "Yes please". As she walk into the kitchen Johnny followed her.

"Would you like something to drink?". "Coco?" he asked. "Marshmallow or whip cream". "Whip". "OK you go sit with grammie and I'll bring them out". Carmen made the tea and the coco also told Johnnie it's hot so sip it slowly. She warmed up some meatloaf for Dimitra but she and Johnny had chicken fingers with some dipping sauce. When she came out Johnny had a whip cream mustache which made her and Dimitra chuckle. "Oh Johnny you remind me so much of your father sometimes" as Dimitra wiped his mouth.

"Here you go I didn't think you wanted chicken fingers so I warmed up my dad's famous meatloaf for you Dimitra" handing her the plate. "I love your father's meatloaf I keep forgetting to ask him for the recipe". "When he comes home I'll ask him" she replied. After she served Johnny she put in the movie CARS since she loves the movie so much to the point Carmen wish cars did talk. After dinner she's doing the dishes when a knock comes to the door. She wiped her hands and open the door to see a man standing there. "Christopher how are you?"she inquired. "Good is my mom and son here?".

"Daddy" Johnny called out. "Come on in before you freeze". When Johnny saw Criss he ran to his father and Criss gave him a big bear hug. "Christopher what are you doing here?"Dimitra asked as Carmen takes Criss's coat. "I came to surprise you I had a few electric problems at my theater so Rose gave me a few days vacation so I thought I'd come and see you and Johnny" Criss replied putting Johnny down. Criss was concern when he saw his mother's ankle.

"Don't worry I slipped on some ice a few days ago but Carmen's father took me to the hospital to make sure it wasn't broking and they've been checking up on me too" she replied. "What happened to the lights?". "Fuse blew my father should be home soon and he can fix it". "Come on Christopher sit down". "Would you like something to eat or drink Criss?". "I'm fine for now thank you" as he sits down with Johnny. After the movie finishes Carmen's parents come home. "I see we have some guest"her mother said. "The fuse blew at Dimitra's house I invited them over instead of them sitting in a blacken cold house" she replied. "I'll go see" and her father went to the house as her mother noticed Criss and Johnny.

"Christopher Sarantakos how's Las Vegas treating you" giving him a peck on the check. "So far so good". "And this must be your son he is such a cutie pie". Johnny waved at her. "A little photo copy of me as my mom states" Criss remarked as Johnny whispered something in his ear. "Where's your bathroom?". "Right in that corner to your left and there's a stool if Johnny needs it" she stated. "Come on buddy" and left the room as her father came in. "I have some bad news Dimitra". "What's wrong?" Dimitra asked. "It seems when the fuse blew the pilot to your water heater went out and your house smell like gas so I turned off the gas and cracked all your windows so your house can air out so tonight you're staying with us".

"I don't want to put you out". "Dimitra we promised your boys we'd watch over you so don't worry". "So what's going on?" Criss asked coming over with Johnny. "It seems we're sleeping over tonight Christopher". "Guys you don't have to I'd get them a hotel". "Criss if you go to a hotel everyone from here to Times Square will know you're in town so stay here tonight" her mother suggested. "Ok but Johnny's got nothing to wear to bed". "Don't worry Criss I think I may have a shirt he can sleep in". "Sleepover"Johnny said. "All right buddy". Carmen let's Dimitra have her room since it was easier for Dimitra to get out of bed and Criss and Johnny shared a room. Downstairs Carmen's getting the couch ready when Criss comes down.

"Hey Criss how's Johnny liking his temporary room". "Good I'm just getting some water thanks again for doing this" he stated. "Don't worry Criss we don't mind so have a good sleep". "All right see yea in the morning". A few weeks pass and Criss to pay Carmen and her parents back for putting them up for the night decided to invite them to Vegas and he'd put them up at his house.

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