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IMAGINE: Criss is in his room working while Kelly comes in the office. "Hey baby". Criss give Kelly a kiss but sayes nothing which spooks Kelly. "Criss did you lose your voice?" she asked. "N-n-no"he replied stuttering. "Criss why are you stuttering?". "I-I-I can't h-h-help it when I get upset or nervous I st-st-stutter"he replied. "Have you always stuttered?" as you both sit down. "In in sc-sc-hool got teased but when I-I- got into m-m-magic the stuttering got better"he replied smiling a little. "So what cause you to stutter like this?" you asked. Criss gets up and gives her an envelope.  She looked at it.

"Your high school reunion you're nervous about going to this. Come on Criss you're like the hottest magican out there". "Th-th-they'll re-re-remember the kid who st-st-stutters" he remarked. "Come on everything will be OK they'll see the boy who followed his dreams and to make sure you don't get nervous I'll come with you". Criss gave you a smile and kissed you. When the reunion came up Criss was the hit of the town he was even named reunion king.

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