Chapter 29

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Monroe P.O.V 

"Hey" I said to Trey as I walked into Jordan's hospital room. It had been three days since Jordan tried to commit suicide and today was the first time I was able to get out here to see her because I had to finish finals. It was extremely hard to concentrate on them knowing that my best friend was going through this, but thankfully I was able to do it and make it out here to be with her as soon as I could.

"Hey" he said softly as I handed him a a cup of coffee. Jordan's mom called me and told me that Trey had been here ever since it happened, besides going home to shower and change. 

"Thanks" he said as I pulled up a chair next to him 

"No problem. How is she?" I asked 

"She's better. Physically she's okay, but mentally I don't think she's doing so great. She hasn't really spoken much" I nodded slowly as I took a sip of my tea 

"How did this happen?" I asked in disbelief. I knew Jordan was going through a lot, but never had I ever thought it would get this bad. She had so much to live for and I knew she knew that as well. Jordan was a strong girl so I knew something major had to happen for her to even think about taking her life. 

"I'm sure she told you about Derek getting out of jail right?" I nodded "Well he kept stalking her and she had to get a restraining order. One day he showed up to her school while she was trying to leave, he forced her into her car and tried to rape her again."

"I can't believe this" I said shaking my head "That man is sick. What's gonna happen to him?" 

"Well he's locked up for 15 years now since he violated his parole and he can't get out any time before that" 

"He shouldn't be allowed to get out all" I scoffed 

"Exactly" he said shaking his head 

"How long has she been up?" I asked 

"She woke up yesterday afternoon and went to sleep pretty late, but I'm sure she'll be up again soon. I'm sure she'll be happy as hell to see you" he chuckled 

"Yea I bet." I smiled "I just wish it wasn't like this though" 

"True, but thank God she survived this" 

"You're right" I nodded "How have you been though? You look like you haven't slept in days" I asked as I watched Jordan roll over in the bed 

"I haven't. I've fallen asleep here and there, but it's hard because I'm worried about her. I'll never be able to un-see her lying there in that pool of blood. The thought of losing her" Once he didn't finish his sentence, I looked up to see him wiping his face "I haven't known her that long, but she means so much to me"

"She means a lot to me too Trey" I said as tears fell from my eyes "But the most important thing is that she's alive and we have to spend every single day letting her know that she's worth being on this earth"

"I plan to do that and so much more" he said as he leaned forward and took her hand in his before he placed a kiss on the back of it. He got up from his chair and placed a kiss on his forehead. 

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air" he said getting up from his chair and leaving the room. 

"Okay" I nodded 


I walked out of the hospital and took a seat on a bench across the street. I took a deep breath before taking out my phone and calling my mom. 

"Hi sweetheart. How are you" she said 

"I'm as good as I can be I guess" 

"You still at the hospital?"

"Yea. She woke up yesterday and she's sleeping right now, but I just don't wanna leave her." 

"I get it sweetie. Just make sure you take care of yourself too. Have you been eating?" 

"I've been trying, but I haven't really had much of an appetite. I've just been so worried about her." I said running my hands down my face. 

"You must really like her don't you?" 

"I do ma. I know she's young, but nobody's ever captivated me like she does. She's always there when I need her, she's supportive, she's honest, she's beautiful and I don't understand why anyone would wanna do this to her." 

"Some people just aren't mentally stable honey, but you've gotta make sure that you're there for her so she can be okay getting through this." she said making me wish she was here to talk to in person. She always knew what to say, but honestly right now I just wanted to lay my head in her lap while she played in my hair like she did when we were younger. "She's gonna be okay baby. I'm praying for her." 

"Thanks mom" I said "I'm gonna go back inside though. I'll call you and let you know how she is later" 

"Okay. Give her my love. I can't wait to meet her sweetheart" 

"I can't wait for you to meet her either ma. Maybe when she wakes up, I'll let you talk to her if she's up for it" 

"I'd like that" she said "Talk to you later baby"

"Bye" I said ending the call before getting up from the bench and going back inside the hospital. 

Going back into the hospital, I found Jordan up and talking to Monroe and when she saw me her face lit up. 

"Hi baby" I smiled, happy that she was actually smiling. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked going to sit next to her on the bed. I poked my lips out for a kiss and she quickly placed her lips against mine. "You hungry?" 

"Mhmm. Mom's bringing breakfast for me though. That dinner yesterday was horrible, I don't really wanna try the breakfast" she said causing me to chuckle 

"Good. How are you feeling though?" she sighed 

"Honestly." she started as she looked down at the bandages that covered her scars. "I'm so God damn happy I didn't die" she said wiping the tears that began to fall from her eyes "After I slit my wrist the second time and my body started to go numb, I instantly wished I hadn't done it. The thought of not seeing my mom again, or you guys" she took my hand in hers "I felt so bad." I wrapped one of m arms around her as she placed her head on my shoulder. 

"I'm sorry that I put you guys through this" 

"Sis, you don't have to apologize. None of us can even relate to what you went through, but what matters the most is that you're here okay? And you make sure that the next time you feel like you don't know what else to do or who else to turn to, you call one of us. You know no matter what I'm always gonna understand" Monroe said 

"Thank you guys" Jordan said as she wiped some more tears that fell 

"You're welcome baby" I kissed her cheek  

"Do you wanna talk to someone about what you went through though?" Monroe asked "Your mom was telling me that the doctor suggested that you attend some kind of therapy program" 

"I'm not sure." she said "I don't really wanna speak to someone I don't know about everything I went through, but I'll consider it. I think I might try to let the pain out in a manner that's more familiar to me." she said and I know she was talking about dancing. 

"Well whatever you choose to do, just know that we're both here for you and your mom, aunt and uncle are too" I said as I stroked the bandages that wrapped her wrists. 

"This is gonna leave a disgusting scar" she said softly causing me and Monroe to chuckle. 

"Well maybe you can get some artwork to cover it up" I said and she smiled 

"Yea maybe" she said as the door opened as Tiffany, Trent and Nicki came in. Tiffany had made Jordan some homemade breakfast, and made enough for everyone, so we had some breakfast and continued to talk in an effort to make Jordan feel better and comfortable. 

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