Chapter 12

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Jordan P.O.V 

"Hey" I said as I walked into my condo to see Monroe taking popcorn out of the microwave. 

"Back so soon?" she smiled once she turned around and saw me. I looked at my phone to see the time and smiled 

"It's  only 12" I chuckled 

"Yea and I didn't expect you back so soon at all."

"Whatever" I said playfully rolling my eyes as I closed the door behind me before walking toward the island and taking a seat on one of the stools. 

"So how was it?" she asked and smile immediately formed on my face again 

"It was so good." I sighed as I placed my purse on the island "I feel like I've known him my whole life. 

"Where did you guys go?" 

"This place called Avanti. It was really nice, even though I'm still hungry. You know those expensive ass places give you portions the size of baby food." I said causing her to laugh. 

"Want you to make you a grilled cheese or something. I can make one for you if you want." 

"This is why you're my best friend" I smiled "I'd love that" 

"Cool. I'll make one for you."

"Thanks. I'm gonna take a quick shower really quick and I'll come back" I grabbed my purse off the counter and walked toward my room. I sat down on the edge of my bed and undid the clasps of my shoes before going to place them back in my closet as I sent Trey a text to let him know that I had made it home safely. As I walked to the bathroom, I stepped out of my dress and turned on the water before stepping in and taking a quick shower. 

Once I was done, I heard my phone ring and I looked over to see my mom calling me. 

"Hello" my mom said once my mom answered.

"Hey Mom" I said smiling at the sound of her voice

"What's up baby? How's LA?"

"It's great. I'm having a lot of fun. Our first performance the last night. I saw Sean too, I went to one of his parties." 

"I know. He called me a few days ago to tell me" she chuckled. "You know he wants me to move out there." 

"I think it's a good idea. I'm gonna miss you when I'm in school. You know you're gonna miss me like hell too" I said

"I know." she laughed "I can't act like the idea hasn't crossed my mind either. I'm really thinking about it." 

"Good." I smiled as I held the phone between my shoulder and my ear as I spread shea butter over my legs. 

"So what else have you been up to? Met any boys?" she cooed 

"Wellllllll, I actually did have a date tonight. I just got back in" 

"Oh, who did you have a date with?" 

"His name is Trey." 

"Oh okay. Did you have fun?" she asked

"Mhmm. I had a lot of fun. He's really sweet, charming, but I kind of expected that." I shrugged 

"Why? Did you already know him or something?" 

"Not personally. I went out with Trey Songz, I guess--" before I finished my sentence, she cut me off 

"Excuse me?" she said sounding kind of shocked "You say you went on a date with Trey Songz like it's just an every day thing that you end up on a date with a superstar." she laughed "How did that even happen?" 

"Well I met him when I went to Sean's party, and then I ended up running into him at an another party after our performance."  I said getting up from the bed and going to my dresser to grab a shirt to sleep in. I put my phone on the dresser and hit speaker so that I could pull the over sized shirt over my head before putting the phone back to my ear and sitting back on the bed. 

"So he just asked you out and you said 'sure'? It usually takes a lot for you to even speak to people sometimes. You're my precious baby girl and I love you, but when it comes to guys, you're kind of a snob." she said causing me to burst out laughing. I couldn't lie because she was absolutely right. After my last relationship, I've had a bit of a chip on my shoulder but I usually always gave an attitude because the way men approached women these days was disgusting. They act like they're entitled to your time and I wasn't here for it at all. 

"I mean it took some convincing, but yea eventually I said yes. I don't know what it is about him, I really cant explain it but something about him just made me gravitate toward him." I said as she laughed along with me on the other end. 

"Well, I know you've learned to trust your gut so I'm not worried. Did you have fun at least?"

"Yes, I had a really good time. Hopefully we get to go out again." I said 

"That's good baby. As long as your happy, I'm happy too."

"Thanks mom" I smiled 

"No problem baby. Look I know I wasn't that ecstatic about you going to LA by yourself and for dancing at that, but I'm sorry made you feel like I didn't support you. I as just afraid. I lost your father, and I didn't wanna lose you either. You're all I have left of him" she said and of course like the baby I am, I found my self wiping a few tears that fell from my eyes. 

"You don't have to apologize mom. I get it, you were just trying to protect me. I'm just happy you changed your mind." 

"Yea, well I know my daughter. I knew that you were gonna follow your dreams regardless of if I supported you or not. I didn't want me not allowing you to follow your dreams to make you resent me."

"And I appreciate that mom. I really do" 

"Good. Well I'm gonna go get some sleep. I don't even know why I'm p right now. Make sure you record the rest of your performances and send them to me okay? I really wanna see them." 

"I will mom." I said "I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you"

"Love you too baby. Good night" 

"Night" I said before hanging up the phone.  I put my phone on my night stand and connected it to the charger before going into the living room to see Monroe sitting on the couch. 

"Finally" she said "I was about to eat this damn grilled cheese" she said laughing and I smiled. 

"I'm glad you didn't. You know I would've cursed your ass out" I said taking the plate with the grilled cheese off the island and grabbing a bottle of water. I walked over to the couch and took a seat across om Moe before I started eating. As I took a bite of my food, I saw Monroe typing paragraphs in iMessage and I immediately knew she was texting her no good ass boyfriend. 

"Is everything okay Moe?" I asked 

"Yea, I'm fine" she said putting her phone down "Tell me about your date" I hesitated because I wanted her to tell me what was wrong, but I knew Moe didn't liked to be pushed so I wasn't gonna press her about it. "I'm fine Jo, don't worry about it. How was your date?"

I sighed before proceeding to tell her everything that happened on my date. Once I was done, we went on to talk about other things before we fell asleep on the couch watching A Different World. 

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