Chapter 14

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Jordan P.O.V

I woke up the next morning to the sound of Monroe's voice yelling from her room. Confused, I got out of the bed and walked toward her room to see what the problem was. I stood outside her door and realized she was on the phone 

"Honestly Miguel, I'm done doing this bullshit with you. I've done nothing but be good to you and you treat me like shit. I'm done" she said before hanging up the phone and taking a seat on the bed 

"Moe," I said walking into her room and sat next to her "What's going on?" 

"I just broke up with Miguel" she said referring to her boyfriend. I pursed my lips trying not to say the wrong thing. I never liked Miguel, but I know that she felt like she loved him. I say felt because I remember thinking I was in love too, but when you're out if it, you realize it was infatuation not love. 

"What'd he do?" I asked

"He cheated on me"

"Again?" I said immediately regretting it once I saw the tears flowing from her eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry" I said as she shook her head 

"It's not your fault. I'm just so stupid. I can't believe I stayed with him and let him walk all over me like that." .

"It's alright Moe. You're not stupid Moe, he just fed you the right things and sadly you believed it. I know what it's like to think you're in love and to wanna believe in somebody so bad that you stick with them through all their bullshit. I know it hurts but you're gonna be fine." 

"It's just so unfair Jordan" she cried as she placed her face in her hands. "I've done so much for him. I stood up for him when his parents kicked him out, my family let him live with me, I was there when he didn't have shit but the clothes on his back. I can't believe he would treat me like this" 

"I know Moe, I don't know why he treats you like that but what I do know is that he doesn't deserve you. Somebody's gonna come along that'll appreciate every single thing you do. There's no rush on it babe and you'll realize that you'll be stronger after you get over this" I said as I gently rubbed her back. 

"Stop crying. He's not worth it" she nodded before sitting up and wiping her face and sighing. 

"It's crazy how you can meet someone that seems so perfect and they turn out to be straight trash" she said causing me to laugh 

"Girl, you're preaching to the choir. Trust me I know it."

"Yea I know you do" she sighed "That's kind of why I was so surprised that you took Trey up on his offer so quickly"

"I don't know, I guess I just kind of decided I was tired of being afraid of it. The fear lingers in the back of my mind, but I don't want that to stop me from living life. You know I just love loving people. Let's do something to cheer you up. We can get brunch, and our nails done, my treat?"

"I'd like that," she  said smiling. 

"Alright, great. Let me go get ready and then we can go." I said and she nodded before we both got up from the bed. 

"I love you sissy" I said pulling her into a hug 

"I love you too" she said before we separated and she went into the bathroom. I went back to my room and quickly got ready. 


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