Chapter 14

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Chloé's absurd behaviour had attracted the attention of the entire class including the little piece of shit at the front of the room. Her nostrils flared in anger and she actually saw red.
"Ms Montgomery I do not accept such unspeakable and lewd behaviour in my classroom.  That means detention for the rest of the week." This woman thought that she meant those words in a sexual manner? Tracen made her blood boil so no sexual content would be happening between them ever again.
But Chloé didn't care. "Make that a suspension cause I'm fucking out of here." She didn't miss the smirk on the bloody wanker's face or how pleased he seemed that he could still draw out her emotions in ways at a time in the past only he could.
"What the bloody hell happened in class today?" Asked a bewildered Ruth. She found Chloé in the back building of the school.
Chloé looked up at Ruth, her eyes red and puffy. She had been crying. "It was nothing."
"Uh no it wasn't nothing. Mr. Sex-On-Legs walks into class and you go berserk. So unless you're on drugs then you and Sexy Pants got a whole lot of history." Ruth sang out the last part.
Chloé laughed at how off key the line was. "You didn't just quote One Direction. "
"It was a good song... that and they are all really hot." She said in a dreamy voice. Snapping out of the reverie she sat down, nudging Chloé's body with hers. "You can talk to me."
Wiping her face, Chloé, without hesitation, began telling Ruth a small part of her life story.
"Tracen and I grew up together and by that I mean since I was adopted. When I was seven. No one wanted to talk to the darkie." She let out a humourless chuckle. "But he did. He was nicest person. Called me his chocolate beauty. Made me feel wanted. The older we grew, the closer we got and the more I realised I was falling for blue eyes and brown hair. It was hard not to, he was mischievous and funny and hyperactive. Always had an answer for every situation. He was popular with the kids in our school so it was no surprise when we got more friends including Naomi Garrett."
Ruth eyes widened but decided to stay quiet. Chloé continued. "She liked him too. But there was only one problem, he fell for me and we started dating. It was the definition of intense. We were insane. We went to jail together for vandalism, stealing, egging our neighbours' houses. We totaled a few cars among other things. And the sex... it was wild, unadulterated passion. We were like rabbits and we couldn't get enough of each other. We made love anywhere we got the chance to. We smoked got high, had threesomes, got tattoos together." She rolled up her left sleeve to show the the always with a crown over the letter A tattoo on her forearm. "He has the forever on his right arm."
"So what happened?" Urged Ruth.
"Naomi happened, that's what.  The blasted git filled him up with lies about me cheating on him with Franco, my gardeners nineteen year old son at the time. She had proof to support this claim too. We were seen going jewelry shopping, even expensive restaurants. Tracen believed her. But it was a lie. I was helping Franco propose to his girlfriend Alesha. I'm their baby's godmother.

"Anyway, Tracen decided that if I was cheating on him then he would cheat on me with Naomi. I found out the hard way, walking in on them going at it. I screamed so loud that day. Asked what I did to deserve this. Asked him if that was how he showed that he cared about me. He stared in my face and said I could always go and screw Franco again. I tried to find out what he was talking about but he yelled at me to get the fuck out of his house and that I was only good for sex." By now she was sobbing; snot and all, on Ruth's shoulder.
"I tried to kill myself. Took all the medications in the house that had Bactrim in it and downed them, when I woke up, I was in the hospital and felt as if my stomach had died or was dying either way it felt horrible. My parents sent me to rehab and when I came out in ended up here."
"He's a dipshit. Also a complete and utter fool." Ruth said hushing her best friend.
Chloé laughed at the statement. "Yeah he is but even after all these years, I still love him. He played a very important role to how fabulous I am today. He helped make me royally fucked up- even though I was already royally fucked up before I met him."
She saw the curiosity in her friend's eyes and wanted to tell the girl everything but instead got up stretched her hand out to the brunette. "That my cherie is a story for another day."
Nikoli and Jonah sat on the back steps overlooking the field. The air smelt of the fresh rain that just poured down and the manicured  grass looked like shiny glass, still glazed with water. It had been raining every afternoon since the Easter term had started.
The watch around the azure eyed boy's hand seemed to burn. It was most likely the guilt he felt. Funny thing was, he had done nothing to feel guilty. But he could admit to himself that he did feel strange about the fact that even though he and Chloé had a big and unnecessary fight that she instigated, she bought him an expensive gift as a token of the first friendship. Maybe he was feeling her guilt instead. It must have been the reason she bought him Michael Kors. It did hurt that she didn't have the courage to give him the present herself and instead got Jonah to do it for her.
"I broke up with Naomi." He felt her needed to tell someone. Jonah looked up from his phone and took the cigarette from his mouth. "How'd she take it?" He asked before taking another draw and blowing out a ring of smoke. Nikoli admired the craftsmanship of the the patterned smoke. Must have took him a while to learn those tricks.
"She won't take it all is what." Jonah laughed at Nikoli's expression, it was scrunched up as if he had both tasted and smelt something terrible.
"Why'd you break up with her?" Jonah and she'd when he sobered up.
"Other from her being a complete and absolutely bitch."
"I don't love her anymore. I mean I still love her but not in the way I use to; I haven't felt the way I used to feel about her in so long and instead of leaving then I pushed through trying to make things work but then...Chloé."
"Ooh..." Teased Jonah. "Someone's in love." This was quite unmanly behaviour but even men had to let out there feelings at some point even if the didn't do it as often as women.
"Not in love. Just enamoured. Infatuated. We fight like cats and dogs all the time but I feel as if I'm falling head over heels for her." He sighed.
It was Jonah's turn to scrunch his face at the last saying. "The term is falling arse over tits, thank you very much."
"Whatever weirdo. Now come on you twat, I have to get to Miss Latibodaire calculus class before the git has a hissy fit."

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