Chapter 9

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"I don't know what to do Ruth." Said Chloé as she tried to figure out the trigonometry questions.
"It's not that hard!" Ruth laughed at her quietly. They were in the library. Even though the Crest Sesma building (where the library is located) had sound proof rooms, the two friends decided to stay out in the open. It was rumoured that it was used for sexual escapades. Well, it wasn't a rumour since Chloé knew those rooms a little too well.
"Please, please. I know exams are next week but let me fail maths and not die through forced swatting and cramming." She was begging. Her dark eyes pleading with Ruth.
"Fine, so what are we gonna talk about then?"
"Boys!" Chloé replied so quickly that Ruth couldn't help but start laughing again.
"What about them?" Ruth asked, leaning unto the table, with her hands under her chin.
"For one.... you and Malcolm." Chloé suggested wiggling her eyebrows.
The Ejah twin became fifty shades of red. "There is nothing going on with me and Malcolm." She denied.
"I'm not blind you know... or stupid. When we were at my house, you guys kept giving each other the sexy eyes.  Not to mention that every single time I call home, he asks for you."
"He does?" She asked surprised but then quickly collected herself and said. "We're friends."
"Malcolm is like my little brother okay. We grew up together, don't hurt him. His mother already broke his heart." Chloé said sincerely.
"I won't." promised Ruth.
There was silence before Ruth decided to state. "My brother is hiding out your brother."
"I don't blame him really. My brother does come off a little too strong." Chloé mused.
"Shhh!" Screeched the librarian Mrs Muller, as she passed the section of the library the girls were located.
When she walked briskly away, the girls laughed softly.
"Now, what was I saying?" Thought Chloé, "ah yes, my brother and his infatuation with yours. He likes him. Plain and simple. He does want Jonah for more than a one night stands do though. If it was just sex, he would have stopped pursuing a long time ago."
"What do you mean." Whispered Ruth, as they watched Mrs Muller walk pass once more.
"My brother is used to getting who and what he wants. If he has to work for it and it isn't a money making project, he leaves it alone. Being the business man he is, he weighs the cons and the pros, see if how much his capital pursuit is going to get him in the end profit. Nothing has ever caught his fancy-not even his Mustang Shelby- like your brother has. So in short, Jedidiah is smitten with Jonah."
"Oh." Ruth mumbled out in awe before adding. "In the same way you and Nik are smitten with each other."
Chloé blushed profusely. "No we don't."
Ruth gave her a look, "Really think so?" Raising her eyebrows she spoken stated. "You both eye-raping each other when the other one is not looking and he has a reserved look just for you."
Chloé shook her head in disbelief. "We're not like that Ruth, we're just friends."
"Well, Nonna always told me that friend touch friend... if you get me drift." Chloé playfully shoved Ruth as the got up.
"Nothing is going on between us I promise." Chloé told her as they left the library. Just then a group of rowdy football players walked by them and in the midst was a dirty and grime filled, sweaty but sexy human being by the name of Nikoli Ramsey. Chloé unconsciously licked her lips as his muscles flexed beneath his jersey. "Hey Ruth, hey Chloé." He called out before going off with the other players. Maybe it was the way he said her name in any sexual way or maybe the way his eyes didn't rake her body like a piece of meat like all the other guys did but it sent a divine shiver down her spine and even though she hated to admit it but she liked it... a lot.
"See. Friends." Chloé stressed.
Ruth looked at the Egyptian Princess in disbelief before rolling her eyes. "Sure." She replied sarcastically. "Whatever you say.
There was a knock on the door of the dorm room that Matty and Jonah shared. They were both Final Fantasy on the ps3 that they both had saved up and bought on a trip into the city last year. The boys were reluctant to open the door but when they realised the person had no intention to leave anytime soon, Matty got off his ass and went to the door. Among opening it Matty Carlson came face to face with one of the most gorgeous men her had ever laid his eyes on. He was sexually secure enough to admit the the six feet three inches tall man, with brown eyes, chiseled and sharp jawline and sweet home Alabama lips was eyecandy. His defined muscles and broad chest could turn any man. Not to mention the fact that he was erotically coloured with his dark hair and and bronze coloured skin as if the sun had graced him with pleasure. He had the body for love making and hands for carressing... he reminded him of a male version of Chloé Montgomery in the aura because even though both exhumed a presence of power they looked nothing alike. Matty finally realised that he had been gawking at te stranger for at least two to three minutes now. He had an amused look on his face which unnerved Matty.
"It's nice to meet you Matthieu Carlson but as much as I enjoyed your rather amusing facial expressions, I would like to know if your roommate Jonah Elijah Ejah is inside?" The stranger asked.
Well, this stranger was unnerving.
"Uh Jo, it's for you mate."
"Is it me sister?" He asked as he came to the door. He instantly dropped the glass of water he had in his hand, sending shards splattering everywhere. "Jedidiah." He breathed out. Jedidiah gave him a wicked smile. "You can't outrun a Montgomery for long Jonah. I did your bidding but now it's time for you to pay up."
"Wait, you're Chloé's relative?" Matty asked.
"Her older brother." Was his reply before turning back to Jonah. "I'm giving you ten minutes to get ready. Dress casual too. It was then that Jonah realised that the sexually entrancing man was dressed in black jeans and a tight grey long sleeved shirt. "Oh and if you're not ready then, I'll just assume that you are stalling and I will personally break down your door, throw you over my shoulder and take you to where ever we are going in exactly what you have on. So don't keep me waiting."
As the door closed and Jonah rushed to get ready, obviously scared that the man would live up to his word, Matty Carlson realised that people who believed that Chloé Montgomery had a persistent and demandingly scary personality, they had yet to meet her brother Jedidiah Montgomery.

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