Chapter 19

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The walk of shame through the boys dorm was loud and borderline out of control. Who knew that one boy seeing you could lead to all boys leaving their dorm rooms to come greet you?
"Hey Chloé, you look like you got it good last night." One boy commented.
"If you're ready for another come find me." Said another.
Chloé smiled despite herself. "Oh no boys, I've been filled enough." She teased. "Maybe some other time."
Out of nowhere a dark skinned darling took her hand, spun her around and gave her a sensual kiss on the lips. She drank him in as he did her and the wolf whistles became louder and almost deafening. But as quickly as the dark chocolate kissed her, he was ripped from her arms and before her eyes he was being pummeled by... Nikoli?
"Nikoli stop!" She yelled running towards them and pulling them off each other. In the process, the black young man punched Nikoli in the nose and then his eye. Chloé winced. "Both of you stop it now!"
She screamed, silencing get everyone in the boys dorm. "For Christ's sake calm down both of you."
At the stairs were two security gaurds that had just run up to see what the commotion was about.
"It's okay Gideon, I've got this." She told the security gaurds. The black security looked hesitant and Nikoli realised it was Zander from the other night. His anger flared once more and turned back to the black guy on the ground and saw red. He began pounding the poor man's face in. And they said black don't crack.
The security gaurds swooped down into action and pulled both guys to separate corners of the room. Now probably wasn't a good time but damn Nikoli looked good shirtless. He had eight, well defined abdominal muscles. Damn! Chloé thought. Then she thought of licking them... stop it! She yelled at herself inwardly . She could think of sex at the most unreasonable times. Jeez.
"Don't you fucking touch her again. You hear me!" Nikoli was screaming at the top of his lungs to the black guy she had yet to put a name to.
"Tell that to all the other guys she's fucked. Including Corey." The guy retorted. Chloé was shocked he was still breathing after that as Nikoli thrashed against the wall and Gideon's grip. Surprisingly him practically calling her a hoe (in not so many words) didn't phase her. She knew she was wild. The love of sex didn't make her a slut bag though... even if at times the thought did cross her mind (only when she thought of Nikoli and her having a happily ever after). She was a Nymphomaniac god dammit.
"Are you okay?" Asked a familiar voice behind her, she turned to see Jonah, Matty and Malcolm all staring at her in concern. "Uh, yeah. I'm okay. Can't say the same for those guys though. What's his name?" She replied
"Oh that's Denzi Ross. Goalie for our football team." Replied Matty.
That's was when what Nikoli said hit her. Man she was slow today.

Don't you fucking touch her again. You hear me!

Don't you fucking touch her again. You hear me!

Don't you fucking touch her again. You hear me!

It ricochet in her head repeatedly. Was it just her or did that sound more like something a boyfriend would say?
They were still throwing insults around as they both were being towed out of the halls and into the direction of the elevators. Most likely going to the principal's. Chloé remained deaf to her environment as what Nik said played in her head a few more times.

Don't you fucking touch her again. You hear me!

Don't you fucking touch her again. You hear me!

Don't you fucking touch her again. You hear me!

But something Denzi said flew the fucking thought out of her head.
"Since your obsession with the loose knows no bounds and you're looking for someone to fight with, why don't you fight with Tracen. His room was filled with her screams up until the wee hours of the morning before they were at it again."
Nikoli's nose flared in anger. He turned his head to look at her but she couldn't place the contortion of emotions playing there. All she knew was that tears threatened to fall from her eyes and as she turned around to hide herself from it she saw the look of disappointment on all three boys' face. Malcolm had more of look of disbelief. "I can't believe you Chloé. He bloody played you and you still went back to his bloody bed. Are you out of your damn mind?" She didn't know when he reached her but he was shaking her now. This continued to draw the attention of the boys in the dorm. "I'm sorry. I just needed it. I was messed up last night okay. I needed a good roll around and I knew that Tracen could provide me that." She cried, tears now streaming down her face. "Especially after Nik called me his good friend."
Oh, Jonah thought. Matty just stood there wide eyed and Malcolm out her down and stopped shaking her.
"You're a bloody idiot." Was all Jonah said before the three boys turned around and walked away from her. Leaving her to sort through the mess she created.
"I'm stupid aren't I?" Chloé asked Ruth. Her head was placed in Ruth's lap whilst Ruth petted her on the head. Her eyes were puffy from all the tears that she had shed throughout the day, hence none of them went to class.
"Yes you are." Replied Ruth which made Chloé pout and slap her leg.
"Ow!" She yelped before adding. "That hurt."
"I hate it when you're right is all. I apologise."
"It was quiet obvious he was into you. The signs were there. All the time and if that wasn't something you saw as a sign then him telling he wanted to kiss you and then the make out session in the elevator should have screamed, 'I really like you' ."
"I'm sorry that I'm so stupid. But I thought it was just a phase of wanting something he never had."
Ruth growned. "You need to go talk to him and pray that no one sold you out. You weren't supposed to be in the male dormitory."
Chloé scrunched her nose up. "But I don't want to!" She complained. Ruth slapped her smack in the face.
"Bloody hell!" Complained Chloé as she sat up. "That hurt you know little bitch."
"Go talk to him or I swear I won't talk back to you."
"Okay fine. But if he shuts me down. I'm going on fuck-for-all campaign." Chloé promised. She got off Ruth's bed and walked to the door. As she opened the door, on the other side was Malcolm.
"Hi..." Chloé said sheepishly. He was still mad at her for sleeping with Tracen, that much she knew. "Bye.."
She side stepped him and walked briskly to the boy dorms.
Malcolm stepped into the dorm room and looked at Ruth. "Where is she off to in such a rush?" He asked as he closed the door behind him.
"To make things right." Was Ruth's simple reply.
"Oh ok... on the other hand, you texted and said you needed to see me?" He looked quite puzzled.
"Uh yeah..." She said removing her shirt. "I have an itch that only you can scratch." With a smirk he reached for Ruth with an inhumane swiftness and following that made tender, sweet love to her for the rest of the night.
"I'm sorry." Were the first words that escaped Chloé's lips when Nik opened his room door.
"For what?" He asked leaning against the door frame.
"For sleeping with Tracen!" She replied with a sad smile.
He let out a humourless chuckle. "That's all?"
She looked at him. A confused look riddled her features. "Am I supposed to be sorry for something else?"
He looked at her incredulously. "You must be fucking kidding me!" He reached to slam the door in her face but she stopped it and forced her way in. She didn't even bother taking in her surroundings. She was fuming. "You have to help me out here. What do you want me to apologise for? "
"How about kissing Denzi Ross? How about sleeping with both my best friend and my worst enemy? How about cursing me out Christmas and having sex with that security personnel right after? How about that huh?" He was yelling and had to catch his breath after all that.
"First of all, Denzi kissed me. Secondly I didn't sleep with either Corey-with whom I'm sure you are talking to- or dog faced Preston. Naomi started those rumours after seeing them drunk at a party that I attended when I helped Corey find a room because he could barely stand. I came out of that room disheveled and was fixing up when she saw me. Of course Corey couldn't remember cause her was drunk off his ass. And as for Preston. He was fucking your precious Naomi. He'd lie for her any given chance he got. And finally, I'm not apologising for sleeping with Zander because frankly, I wasn't dating anyone so no guilt there."
Man that was a monologue! She continued anyway. "But if you want facts, real facts then here they are. I like you... a lot. At first I thought it was just lust but it wasn't. And it scares me because I've only liked one other person romantically in my life and that's Tracen. And I'm scared that you'll hurt me worse than he did cause I like you more than I ever did him,"
Chloé --" Nik began but Chloé shut him up.
"Nope, let me finish." She breathed out. "And the more I was around you, the little things you did made me realise that I wanted you more than any thing in my life. The touched, the talks, the almost kisses..." She then whispered, "the makeout session in the elevator. I wanted you then and I still want you. I only fought with you Christmas so you would stay away from me so I could get over you faster but you're so bloody persistent and you wouldn't bugger off at all. I also slept with Tracen because I knew you didn't like me the way I liked you. You wanted a good, sweetheart and I was far from it. And I know you don't want me... it's OK thou, I can live with that. I just needed you to kno--" She wasn't allowed to finish her statement. Nikoli grabbed her and rendered her breathless in one swoop of a kiss. Their lips joining in holy matrimony and their hands entwined. She kissed him as if her whole life depended on it. His tongue brushed her lips but she kept them shut. That was until his knees pushed her legs apart and his hand slipped into her pants and underwear. He played with that magic button until she gasped in pleasure giving him full access to her mouth. He explored her. Every nook and crane of her mouth he found and teased. She groaned and so did he when both their tongues touched. Even though his hand rested on her clit, he had stopped moving it and it was driving her crazy. Breaking the kiss, she begged. "Pl-please."
"Please what?" Nik feigned ignorance,
"Play with me... " She said in a hoarse voice. She began rolling her hips so that she could press up against his hand. He smiled and kissed her again and she was putty in his hands from then on. But he did something that surprised her to pieces. He removed his hands and stepped away from her. To say she was flabbergasted would be the understatement of a lifetime.
"Goodnight Chloé. I'll see you around." He then took the initiative of helping her through his room door, planting a solid kiss on her lips, pulling away when she got lost in it and closing the door in her face.
Some may have seen it as harsh but Nikoli saw it as funny, because no one turned down Chloé Montgomery.
Chloé on the other hand saw it as a challenge. Something she loved but didn't get very often and she was going to play this one out til the last straw was tugged.

Hello my lovelies. Kisses and skittles for everyone. I made it longer than usual and the story is far from near completion. What do you think is going to happen next? Do you think that what Nikoli did to Chloé was right? Did the jackass play with your heartstings like he did mine? Oh my... so many unanswered questions. I need answers.
Comment below my sugar babies.
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