Chapter 12

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End of term exams were rolling in and the twins and Chloé had their work definitely cut out for them. Not that they hadn't studied, they did. In fact they took all there free time to study. Even Jonah found time to study whilst dating Jed. In fact, Jed found it fun to help the seventeen year old study his lessons. They were stressed out by the middle and too tired to cheer when it ended.
"I just wanna go home to my Grams." Moaned out Ruth. "She cooks the best food ever. I mean she does curry chicken and goat, roasted ham, jerked pork , stewed beef and steamed fish. And her rice and peas with green beans and potato salad is to die for." Chloé laughed. The three were hold up in Chloé's room. Both girls lying on the bed and Jonah lying down in the long settee.
"You should come with us for Christmas since you're not going to spend it with your family." Offered Jonah.
"I actual have plans for my Christmas. I rarely spend Christmas with the Montgomerys." She replied.
"So where do you go, especially since no one's at school for Christmas." Asked a curious Ruth.
It was weird, but for a European school, they celebrated almost- if not all- every culture's holiday, even the ones that meant hardly anything to them.
"I go to Iran." Was her simple reply. "To visit my mom's grave."
Jonah shot up. "But I thought you said you were Egyptian?"
She let out a rich laugh. "Nope. People just assumed that I was Egyptian due to a little more hue but I am brown not golden. Okay maybe a little golden due to the fact that my dad was from some South American country, but I am Iranian by blood."
"So are you like Muslim or something?" Asked a dumbfounded Jonah.
"No I'm not Muslim, my mother wasn't either. I'm a Christian. I grew up in that faith." Was her reply.
"How'd your mom die?" Asked Ruth. Chloé sat up so fast it gave poor Jonah a whiplash. "What?"
"I'm sorry." She began to apologise. "If it's a touchy subject you don't have to tell me."
"She died protecting me from someone terrible." Was all they heard Chloé say. Then she began to sing a song in a foreign language. She had a beautiful voice and to be truthful, she didn't even sound like her normal self when she sang. When she sang she had an accent; deep and rich and absolutely beautiful. It was raspy and thick and Ruth found herself humming to the tune by the time Chloé reached the chorus.
"What language was that?" It was Jonah who asked this time.
"Portuguese, I think." She replied. "My dad use to sing it to me.

"What does it mean?"

"I don't want to know. It sounds so beautiful in his native tongue I wouldn't want it any other way."

"What were their names?"

"Kiara Yasmin Abed and Rafaelo somthing. Never learnt my dad's full name." She mused. Before they could ask, she added. "My real name, before I became Chloé Titania Montgomery was Anahita Donya Titania Abed."

"Why did you only keep the Titania? Your name is beautiful."  Asked Ruth.

"My parents made that name together. Every other name belonged to someone else but Titania was mine all mine."
The room was silent for a while. But it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. It was a 'I'm okay with this' type silence. To think at the beginning of the year she thought she'd be alone again but no, she made friends and even though one of the three was first to finf it hard to admit that just less than a month ago they would have had sex in an elevator if it had not returned to full service. They were all good. Just the way she liked it.
She was drifting off to sleep now. She knew she was tired. But before she did, she told them with a stifled yawn. "Make sure to pack a plate for me."
Naomi Garrett was a proud sadistically insane person. Underneath all that pretty was someone who had a damaged soul. She was jealous of people who caused a threat to her crown and at this point it was Chloé Montgomery. She saw the footage of her boyfriend and Chloé going into the elevator and how absolutely disheveled the bloody twat looked when she left. She was boiling mad because the little Wanker pushed herself unto her man. Not only that but ever since that day, Nikoli had been acting strange around her. He even proposed they break up and frankly no one broke up with her. She couldn't get revenge now but she could get it later. Revenge is best served cold is it not?
Picking up her iPhone she dialed. Impatiently she tapped her long manicured nails against the marble countertop.
"Tracen's phone." Said a girly voice.
Naomi smiled wickedly, "Hello. Tell Ponzi that it's Naomi." There was some shuffling before a sleep ridden, husky voice came in. "I thought I told you never to fucking call my phone ever again."
"I know Trace but it's about Chloé. "
He cleared his throat and heard him shift. Well that got his attention rather quickly. She smirked. This would be too easy.
Nikoli waited until the campus was asleep. He could easily slip past security and into the girls dormitory to see Chloé. It was too easy but when he reached Chloé's room and ahead saw that it was him, her eyes widened and ahead tried to slam the door in his face. He used his foot to block the closure and even though he did, his left foot was in serious pain.
"Let's me in, we need to talk." He whisper-yelled at her.
"Every time you say that we end up making out." She tried to close the door again. He pushed hard against the door until it finally pushed open. He stepped into the room and slammed the door shut whilst turning the lights on. His eyes adjusted to the lighting and it was then he realised just what Chloé was wearing.... underwear. Just panties.
Her hands were crossed over her boobs. Why would she open the door in lace panties onl- she was expecting someone. The thought made his blood boil.
"Who in the actual fuck is he?" He glared. She let out a laugh.
"Is that what you came to talk to me about? My sex life?" She turned her back to him giving him a view of thick thighs and a firm ass. He adjusted his pants as she took out a silk robe and put on. This should have been what Madea had meant when she said "You know I got hormone problems."
After she tied it, she turned back to him, "I'm not your play thing Nikoli and if I wanted to fuck you, I would have but I don't. I'm not asking for a knight in shining armour."
"I'm not trying be your knight in shining armour, but you do need saving."
"Do I look like some Cinderella to you? Some girl who is so dependent that she has to wait for a prince to come and save her? A girl who has been so mentally abused it's hard for her not to be fucked up?" She let out a humourless chuckle. "So maybe I am a little fucked up in my head but I don't need a pumpkin carriage or a fairy godmother or you."
A knock came at the door and Nik watched Chloé adjust herself. "I don't want to be your pet project ok." She whispered then said aloud. "You can come in Zander." A dark skinned guy came in. He was thick and tall and between scary and attractive. He looked older than a student and it was then Nik realised this wasn't a student but one of the security gaurds!
"Am I interrupting something?" Zander asked, his American accent was laid thick.
"No... this bellend was just leaving."
With one last look, Nikoli Ramsey left Chloé Montgomery's room completely disregarding the plane ticket he had in his hand to take her to his home in America.

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