Chapter 25

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Chloé Montgomery heard a knock in her door which made her jump out of her sleep and grab her pocket knife. She edged closer to the door, and asked, "Who is it?"
"Its me Ruth. I just wanna talk." Said a voice on the other end. Signing in relief, Chloé put the knife back at her side and slowly opened the door. Ruth filed in shutting the door behind her. Chloe turned the light on and looked at the girl who claimed she'd always be there.
"What do you want Ruth?" Chloé asked icily.
"The truth." She replied with the exact same tone.
"Ruth..." She began.
"Chloé please don't. I can't deal with the bullshit. So if that's what you're going to feed me then we're through." Ruth countered.
"We weren't dating." Chloé joked. This caused a hint of a smile to appear on Ruth's face. "I'm serious Chloé."
"I know." Chloé sighed. "But I can't tell you everything Ruth. I can't put you in danger like that. That would be selfish."
"I can take care of myself." Replied Ruth with a hard expression.
"From master snipers, the Brazilian mafia and Crest assassins?" Asked Chloé raising an eyebrow.
"Wait what?" Ruth was confused and took a seat on Chloé's bed. "I asked for the truth. Not for you to lie to me."
"I'm not lying." Replied Chloé. "Even though I wish this wasn't my lie but it is okay." When Ruth remained silent, she continued. "I want to tell you all of it but to keep you guys safe from my family, I can only tell you parts."
"From the Montgomery's?" She asked puzzled and Chloé shook her head and let out a humourless laugh.
"No. The Montgomery's are just my adoptive parents who work for my grandmama. All our islands, our companies... just shell corporations." Chloé began.
"What!" Exclaimed Ruth.
"Ruth hush up and let me finish," Chloé reprimanded to which Ruth complied.
"My mum- Kiara was killed by my father Rafaelo or more precisely by his rookies. You see, he wanted me but my mum wouldn't let him have me. So he sent people to get me. They killed my mother and I almost killed them." Sighing, she continued. "I met my grandmama after that Demitria Abed. Before she came to Iran she was the daughter of a ruthless Russian mobster Katya Petrovsk. She married the my grandfather who was an assassin and had group of assassins at his command. When he died she took over. Grandmama wanting me to have a normal life and by that I mean under my father's radar, allocated the Montgomery's to look after me in return I'd go back to Iran any given holiday to train to be a daughter of The Crest."
"So wait. The Crest is like the league of assassins then." Ruth interrupted. Chloé shook her head and chuckled. "Yeah. Something like that. Anyway, a couple years back my father tracked me down being a part of a Brazilian mob can do that. He's an Alvez. Ruthless sons of bitches who have no remorseful bone in their body. They don't feel shit. I still hated him for what he had done but I had two half siblings, an older brother named Enrique and a younger sister named Graciela or Lala. When grandmama found out they tracked me down there was going to be a war so I helped forge an agreement. One I can't tell you. So I'm being trained by the mafia and assassins."
"So why did your father track you down?" Ruth asked. Her head still turning from the large amounts of info that was placed upon her. Not to mention the fact that it wasn't the whole story. Secretly, she was waiting for Chloé to just come out and say kidding or I got yah or something. Anything.
"Because they both- the families- they need me alive."
"So what does all of this have to do with your father coming here to see you?" She asked. The confused look still etched in her features.
"Because all the murders that's been happening around the school. It's Lala." Replied Chloé with a dejected sigh.
"Murders? I thought it was only one."
"The Brazilians have been cleaning up after her."
"You also said that both families wanted you alive. May I ask why you're so important?"
This caused Chloé to sit up with a slight smile. "Men can't run either the mafia or the Crest. Hence, I'm the eldest biological daughter of both organizations. In other words I'm the-"
"You're their heir!" Ruth finished and swallowed audibly.

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