Chapter 27

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"How can someone decide that this is the crime scene from a picture and forensics still isn't giving us anything?" Asked Scrundel as he walked around the the private study room.
"Still going with the theory that she did it?" Asked an amused Broody. "You do realise that she has an alibi for both murders and the first one was quite explicit. Who knew someone's foot could do that."
"They could have been planted by her for all I know and the time frame tampered with." Seethed Scrundel. "I don't like her. My gut tells me she's a snake... So I'm going to go with that feeling."
Detective Broody was about to reply when his work phone rang. As he answered it, on the other end was Dr Hope. She was the Chief medical examiner and she ran an entire team of forensic what not. "I've found your crime scene." She said. "Not for one but for both murders." She sounded exited.
"Lemme guess. The private study rooms?" He replied.
"Yeah, how'd you know?" She asked surprised.
"Call it a hunch." He replied before hanging up.
Chloé Montgomery was asleep one minute and then she was not. She felt the presence of another life in her dorm room. Sitting up swiftly, she grabbed her knife in one fluid movement to come face to face with Graciela Alvez.
"Is that anyway to treat your little sister Chlo?" Asked Lala.
"Lala!" Cried Chloé as she pulled her little sister in for a hug.
"Someone's happy to see me?" Said Lala, hugging her back.
"Lala I'm happy and mad to see you." Chloe replied pulling back and looking at the twelve year old in a blonde wig. "By the way is that Marisol's wig?"
Lala nodded with a cheeky smile. "Do you like my gifts?" Asked Lala as she got up and paced the room.
"No Graciela. I love you. Your my baby sister but I hate what you've become. I'm not going to celebrate a killer."
"But they hurt you. That's why I did it." Lala cried.
"You're a twelve year old girl. You don't need to kill people for others to show you love them or to make someone love you. I already love you. What you did was murder. First degree." Chloé reached out and shook her sister. Lala forced her off and grimaced.
"You're one to talk. How many people have you killed Chlo. According to papa a whole lot."
"How would he know? He killed the first person I truly loved."
"So he could have you." Graciela responded.
"And at what cost? My mothers life?" Shouted Chloé. "And you wanna know the worst part? I remember it. It fills my dreams every night."
"It can't be called nightmares anymore. Its become the norm. A reoccurring dream." It was almost as if she was reminiscent of those dreams. "Its the only memory I have of her. I've forgotten other things. Every other thing."
"I'm sorry sis." Lala spoke in Portuguese. Chloé just smiled at Lala. "Did you kill my mother? Then I don't see why your apologising."
"You're trusting her again Ruth?" Nik cried incredulously. Jonah on the other hand didn't share his friends disbelief. This was his sister they were talking. She loved Chloé and not because she had money or a famous family. She loved Chloé because even when Chloé was being secretive with everyone else, Ruth knew the truth. She was Chloé's best friend.
"Yeah so?" Asked a bored Ruth.
"Uh I don't know, she's a compulsive liar. How about that?" Retorted Nikoli.
"Can someone please explain to me why this conversation has to happen in my room please?" Questioned Corey Fahey.
"Oh shut up Corey." Responded Ruth before turning to her brother. "Aren't you going to add the problems you have with this equation?"
"Nope." He answered.
"What?" Nik bellowed. "Your sister is talking to a possible serial killer who not only possibly killed Naomi-"
"She didn't kill Naomi." Ruth interjected.
"-she probably killed Mr Griffith-"
"She didn't kill him either." Ruth interjected again
"-and maybe countless of others?" Nikoli finished.
"You seem to know a lot note than you're saying. Not to mention the fact that you're condemning her so quickly." Jonah quipped. "Are your feelings for her even real?"
"Or are you just craving something, that at the rate your going you'll never have?" Ruth chirped in.
"Again, why does thus convo have to take place in my bloody bedroom!?" Yelled Corey.
"Corey if you don't shut up, I'm going to tie you to a chair, gag you with a sock and let the serial killer have their way with you." Ruth smiled evilly.
Corey gulped and then went quiet after that.
"Look, I have no time for all this bullshit." Nikoli forcefully grabbed his sweater and walked out the door, slamming it in the process.
"He's such a wuss." Ruth concluded.
"You're telling me!"

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