Chapter 16

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Chloé and Ruth walked down the halls of McCarthy and ignored the stares they were getting. It was not as if much had changed. The female population still hated her guts.
"Hey Chloé, hey Ruth." Called a blonde girl with spectacles. Even though they didn't know who she was, they waved back.
OK maybe not all the female population then.
It was when she wasn't paying attention that she was shoved roughly with someone's shoulder. "Watch where you're going skank." Said the hard voice of a short haired blonde, with green eyes. Her lithe figure stood tall with her chin tucked as she looked up at Chloé.  Her thin pink lips were drawn tight across her face and her green eyes looked as if they were ready to spit fire.
Chloé sighed and instead of replying (even though that was what the entire corridor of students were waiting on) she turned, tucked her hand into Ruth's and began walking away.
"What no witty reply?" Mocked Naomi. Chloé still continued walking. "Isn't this funny," Naomi continued. "What, Nik isn't her reply to impress?" Chloé's hands folded into a fist and Ruth, noticing this, began walking faster.
"No surprsie from my end. You were always boring. No wonder Tracen got tired of your worn out nookie and your little girl antics. He realised that and came for a real woman who treated him right."
Continue walking Chlo. She chanted to herself.
"No one wants you Chloé. Your mother got herself killed to get away from you and your dad never even wanted to see you again. He left so he'd never see your stupid face again."
Chloé spun around and stalked towards Naomi Garrett with a sudden speed in six inches heels and gave the girl a powerful right hook. Naomi fell to the floor, clutching her jaw.
"Now listen up bitch. Discussing my sex life is nothing. Nik doesn't want you because you're a sleezy two timing piece of shit. He knew you weren't a good person and he didn't even know that you were sleeping with more people than I was whilst dating him. How is it you manage to suck Preston's dick whilst being buggered by Darren and also have a some other guy up the front entrance is beyond me." The corridor of people gasped audibly. "Secondly, Tracen Ponzi may have been my first love but he never got tired of my nookie. He was just dumb enough to believe a skank like you.
"Thirdly, you know my mom died protecting me from people who wanted me dead. As for my father, yeah maybe he didn't want me Naomi but he's still my dad so don't you dare go bad mouthing him. To go after me is one thing sweetheart. To target people I care about will get you killed. Okay?" She turned and walked away again ignoring the pain in her hand. Her jaws clenched and Ruth at her heel wondering what the fuck just happened.
They were having fun. That's what Corey realised. Jonah wasn't trying to steal his best friend. He didn't want Nikoli as his best friend. That space was reserved for his sister. They had been to all the stores in the village and tried on almost everything in the men's section. They had decided to end the day by going to the food court which was where all things were open onto everyone.
"How's Jedidiah, huh Jonah?" Teased Nik. Jinah was blushing uncontrolably. Corey raised an eyebrow at the both of them. "Jedidiah Montgomery?" He asked shocked.
"Yeah, why?" Jonah turned to him.
"He and my brother were a thing when he came McCarthy." Answered Corey sipping on his pumpkin and carrot smoothie. "How'd you know him?"
"He's my boyfriend." Answered Jonah with a smile. "And to answer you're question Nik, he's great but he's in Austria visiting his sister. I kinda miss his dumb ass." They both laughed but Corey stayed quiet.
"Why did they split. Jed and Luca?" Asked Nik.
Corey shook his head. "It's not my place to say. It's just what my brother said and the amount of time he spent moping around the house."
"Was the break up that bad?" Asked Jonah. Concern riding the depths of his brown eyes. Corey could only nod. How could he tell the poor guy the real story behind the breakup? How could he possibly be so cruel? But wouldn't it still be cruel if he stood by and said nothing at all?

"So, Nik, I heard you finally broke up with Naomi." Corey decided to change the subject. "Does it have to do with a certain dark haired girl with really expensive tastes?" It was Nik's turn to blush.
"Oh Holy Spirit. It does, doesn't it?" He continued.
"No it doesn't. I just came to the conclusion that Naomi wasn't good for me anymore."
"Oh so it had nothing to do with that heated make out session in the elevator?" Asked Jonah to which Corey widened his eyes and Nik blushed deeper.
"They had a make out session in the elevator."  He slapped at his best friend. "You and Chloé snogged in the lift and you told the bender and not me!" He turned to Jonah and smiled sheepishly. "No offence." Jonah raised his hand and had an expression that said "none taken."
"Yes we snogged in the lift and it was sensational and sensual and insatiable and it got me all hot and bothered and slightly disoriented which helped me make the greatest decision if my life. Leave Naomi's and I's sorry excuse for a relationship. It's not that I didn't love Naomi anymore- cause I do- it's just that besides the sex when weren't ok as a couple." What was with all these feelings he had no idea. It made him sound sappy, but it was the truth of the situation. He loved her but their relationship hadn't been a relationship for so long it was basically only about hooking up. It took a while to realise this but it finally happened... at least on his side. Naomi flipped out on him. Anyone who didn't know her would think she was having a mental breakdown and lock her away in a insane asylum.
He sucked the last of the juice from his strawberry smoothie and got up to throw the trash away.  They were ready to go.
The Subaru was parked outside and a man in a black suit was waiting for them. He was their driver. All courtesy of Jedidiah Montgomery and his hearty bank account. Jonah wasn't allowed to walk or take the bus- not even to see his family. Their chauffeur, Harris, was in charge of that.
Corey was still having a hard time wrapping his head around all this. He remembered his brother getting some of these treatments. He had an allowance for everything and at every store just like Jonah. He was happy. But good things come to an end as always. And this would too. He didn't want to be the bearer of bad news and so he'd let Jonah find out on his own that Jedidiah Montgomery wasn't good for anyone.

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