Chapter 23

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"What are you doing here?" Chloé spat. The venom laced her voice. The hatred in her eyes quite present.
"Can't a father come see his child?" He asked.
"I'm not your child." Her eyes were like fire and she was seething with it.
"Now now Anahita-" he began but she cut him.
"My name is Chloé." She replied with indignation. They were both in her room; Chloé on her bed and him at the far corner of the room.
"Your name is Anahita. Its what your mother named you and what I will call you by." His tone was low and callous. It would make anyone quiver but of course not Chloé.
"The same woman you had executed?" She retorted. "Or have you forgotten that small detail?"
"Your mother was no saint little girl." He responded to which she snorted. "I knew that much but you... You are the devil himself... Or maybe you just work for him." The room was silent for a while. Before Chloé asked. "What in bloody hell do you want? I know its not to have a connection with your daughter. Huh father?" She was mocking him.
"I have business to attend to, so let's just cut to the chase shall we?" His accent was thick and quite sensuous. It made Chloé want to puke.
"Its about your sister Graciela." This caught Chloé's attention. "What about Lala?" She instantly straightened.
"She's here. In England. Most definitely around the part of the country too. I understand there was a girl who was murdered a few weeks ago." He stated.
Chloé's eyes widened. "You think Lala killed her?"
"From what the police reports say, its her signature move. Naked, asphyxiated? Let's not forget the joker smile. Its her MO." He countered.
She never even bothered to ask how he knew these things. Her father was an Alvez, just his name alone got him far.
"What do you expect me to do?" She finally asked.
"Find her and bring her back to me before the police does. Show me you weren't a waste of sperm." He replied harshly.
She glared at him. "OK Rafaelo. I'll get your precious baby back. But just out of curiosity, why couldn't Enrique do it?"
"Your brother is in Monte Carlo with your grandfather." He replied.
"Shit!" She muttered.
"Is finding your sister going to be a problem child?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"She's a trained killer daddy, its what you and Marisol have been training her to be since the moment she said papa." She hurled her sister's mother's name like an insult.
Ignoring the way she said his wife's name, he countered. "And you haven't?"
"We'll let's see?" She pretended to think as she bounced off the bed. "No, not really."
"Then your brother wasted his time during all those summers and winters when you pretended to go visit your mum's grave in Iran. Not to mention the fact that even at the tender age of four, you beat my men unconscious when they came for you?" She rolled her eyes at the comment.
"Its not my fault you decided to impregnate then proceed to kill the daughter of The Crest."
The Crest was an international underground assassination rink that was based in Iran. It took in orphan girls and trained them to be assassins. Chloé's mother wasn't an orphan but actual the daughter if the head of The Crest, Dimitria Abed. A Russian woman who married General Abed in a business deal an took over his league when he died. "Grandmother isn't happy with you." Chloé deadpanned.
"Your grandmother and I have an agreement. I pay dearly every month." He replied dryly. He then sighed. "I have no time for this. Find your little sister and bring her to me. I don't care who you have to bribe or kill just get it done."
"And if I don't?" She sassed.
"Well, you'll run out of friends won't you." He said with a devilish smirk.
"If you do that I'll slit your throat." She threatened.
"And have the whole Alvez Mafia knocking st your door?" He asked.
"I have The Crest to back me up father. I'm pretty sure not even granddad wants to test grandmother!" She said calmly, now toe to toe with him.
"Now there is my daughter." He replied before brushing past her and heading to the door. "You have two weeks Anahita." Then he left.
"You lied Chloé!" Bellowed Ruth. The four of them were in the back building and Ruth was fuming with anger.
"I'm sorry Ruth." Chloé stated. "But it was for your own safety that I didn't say anything."
"What does having a father have to so with our safety?" Asked Jonah, looking at Chloé with a razor sharp eyes.
"I can't tell you." Chloé stated again.
"Bloody hell Chloé. Again with the secrets. How can you want a relationship with anyone if you can't be honest with us?" Asked Nik. A tear fell from her eye but she hurriedly blinked it away.
"Can't you just trust me? Its for your own good. Believe me please. Everything I do is to protect you guys." She was begging now. The room was silent so she continued. "From Jedidiah to Malcolm to me... It's only to protect you."
"What about Jed?" Asked Jonah.
"He truly has feelings for you but he's also there to protect you." Replied Chloé. "So does Malcolm and so do I."
"Protect us from what Chloé?" Asked Nik.
"I can't tell you. The less you know the less they can hurt you." She was crying now.
The three of them got up ready to leave. "Guys please!" She implored. But then she was alone.

So in the art above is a cover made by my baby Adrian Banner who is a animation student at UTECH. Thank you so mich sweetheart for taking the time out to do this for me. Nuff love and you truly are one of my best friends😘😘😘💓💓💓💓❤❤❤❤

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